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Thanh Nguyen05:10:08

Hi. How do I limit my query with datalevin? I searched for a while, and found this:

(d/q {:query '[:find ?c ?n :where [?c :my-thing/its-attribute ?n]] 
       :offset 1
       :limit 10
       :args [(d/db conn)]})
But it seems like something Datomic specific. I tried this:
(->> (d/q '[:find ?eid
            :where [?eid _ _]]
     (take 2)
     (d/pull-many db '[*]))
And it kind of works, but feel wrong to me somehow. (d/q ...) is going to pull all the ids over, and it might cause a memory problem. Does anyone have any suggestion for me? Thanks for the great work, by the way!


We will implement these after is finished.

🙌 2