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Someone incorrectly ‘improved’ Rich’s reply to a StackOverflow question in 2020. I don’t know enough about the site to fix it. Maybe someone who does can. It’s just the “seq s” which should be “seqs” and, I think, the ‘not’ has been bolded when it was not. It’s interesting that someone can tweak a response on there and change what one has posted (minor as it is in this case). I’m a bit OCD and would be annoyed to find answers I made changed in this way.


I have rolled back the incorrect edits.


Thanks! I can sleep now.


It's pretty common for people with sufficient reputation on SO to edit answers (and questions) for what they think are minor formatting or grammatical errors... but, unfortunately, a lot of people gain that reputation without having sufficient command of English grammar or, indeed, the subtleties of accurate formatting in some technologies 🙂


(disclaimer: I have sufficient rep to edit Q & A on SO too but I try you use it only to fix the most egregious errors I see...)


Which is great (to fix things like that) as I would imagine an accepted answer, possibly with upvotes, that is incorrect could create quite a bit of consternation. 👍

Brian Beckman14:10:37

SOLVED My MVE was failing because there is no generator for fn?. My real problem was a hidden recursion in my base case. Once I pulled that out everything is fine. I’m just learning clojure.spec.alpha. I’m writing specs for testing a compiler back end (LPython [sic], ). The input to the back end is a recursively defined tree structure. I want to generate test cases. I present below an MVE that illustrates my question. I’m able to check (`s/valid?`, s/conform) hand-written trees. The generator, however, only occasionally produces usable results. Most of the time, it throws an exception. However, it occasionally does produce a usable example, so I am not completely dumb! What can I do to improve the following so that it produces usable examples more frequently? Or should I be doing things some other way, completely? I will be grateful for any guidance!

(ns asr.core
  (:require [clojure.spec.alpha     :as s]
            [clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen] ))

(s/def ::recur-tree-mve
    (s/or :base  (s/or :i integer? :f fn?)
          :recur (s/map-of #{:left :right :op} ::recur-tree-mve)))

  (s/valid? ::recur-tree-mve 42)
  (s/valid? ::recur-tree-mve {:left {:left 5, :right 8}, :op +, :right 2})

  (def RECURSION-LIMIT 1) ; careful!
  ;; for interactive testing in CIDER:
  ;; C-x C-e after the closing parenthesis
  (binding [s/*recursion-limit* RECURSION-LIMIT]
    (->> ::recur-tree-mve
         gen/generate ))


I'm just guessing here, but I don't think there's a built-in generator for fn? (see You might need to provide a named spec (and a generator) for that function case

Brian Beckman15:10:35

Good point. Let me modify it to be a string. I think the problem is the recursion, as the exception prints nil nil


I usually debug such problems by looking at the successfully generated values and then trying to figure out what branch of the spec is missing -> there's probably something there that doesn't generate successfully

👍 1
Brian Beckman15:10:17

Well, turning things into strings worked, so I need another MVE.

Brian Beckman15:10:36

My original fails recursion, but it’s too complicated to post

Brian Beckman15:10:33

I’ll debug my original the way you suggested. Maybe it’s something else.

Brian Beckman15:10:08

(i’m grateful for your attention :)


no problem, I hope you'll get your problem sorted. fyi: there's also the #clojure-spec channel that specializes in spec problems/questions

👍 1
Brian Beckman15:10:06

Actually, I noticed amidst my cruft that my “base case” was impure and had a deep recursion in it. Once I hoisted it to top-level of the s/or it got cleared up! You solved it! ty again.

👍 1

This you? I think that was one of the first Clojure videos I saw.


(with-redefs [conj dissoc] (conj {:a 1} :a))
=> {}
(with-redefs [inc dec] (inc 1))
=> 2
(with-redefs [inc dec] (@#'inc 1))
=> 0
Why is inc special in this regard... presumably it's a math optimization and unavoidable, but I wonder if there is a way I can sidestep the optimization (for example in test code) by setting a flag, redefining some behavior. Where should I look in the Clojure source to understand this better?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:10:25

you could maybe alter the var meta to not inline I guess?

😎 1

Oh I see! Thank you.

(alter-meta! #'inc dissoc :inline)
(with-redefs [inc dec] (inc 1))
=> 0