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Joe R. Smith04:10:41

Built a project based on the Fulcro-RAD-demo project and can't for the life of me figure out why I'm getting this in the console: My package.json deps are exactly the same. :thinking_face: I don't see the error running the demo


I also just built a rad-based demo project and I don't think I ran into the same problem, but I remember seeing this: and some other mentions of a joda-time change, so I'm guessing it's related. I bumped all the dependency's versions when assembling my deps.edn, so maybe that is how I bypassed the issue.

👍 2
Joe R. Smith13:10:04

The issue was resolved by using the yarn.lock in the fulcro-rad-demo project.


Hello. A noobie question here. How do we sequence a bunch of local-only mutations? One solution that comes to mind is to have them in a vector and tx [(mutation-A) (mutation-B)]. Downside of this is that we'll need to repeat it across the codebase, would be nicer to define dependency (mutation-B depends no mutation-A) somewhere. Suggested place for it is in ok-action, error-action or result-action , but in order for these to run tx would need to be a remote one (as they won't be called without it, as I understand), which is not the case. So I'm left to wonder how to tx a local mutation A and have mutation B scheduled after it.. any tips?


you could always just def the vector with a bunch of mutations and pass that around


or just make one big mutation that calls the others


If it's local only just do the operations as helpers in the mutation. You can call transact from within the action section as well.


Using Fulcro's dynamic routing system, how does one implement a 404 page for undefined routes?


my instinct would be to shield the fulcro routing system from this situation, intercepting invalid routes before they get to the fulcro routers


if you're using web for example then on an attempted route change you'd check to see whether the new URI is valid for the site and route to a 404 (with a valid fulcro router segment sequence) if not

❤️ 1

It looks like the router will be pending for a few seconds before it finally fails?


What is the router waiting for if the next path segment is clearly not consumable by any of its sub-routers?


fulcro Is there a plan to switch from ReactDOM.render to ReactDOM.createRoot?


Currently if I'm using React 18, I am getting this warning message:

Warning: ReactDOM.render is no longer supported in React 18. Use createRoot instead. Until you switch to the new API, your app will behave as if it's running React 17.


I found this pattern works:

(defonce root (react-dom/createRoot (js/document.getElementById "app")))
(defonce SPA ( {:render-root! (fn [component] (.render root ($ react/StrictMode component)))}))
(defn refresh {:export true :dev/after-load true} []
  (println "Hot Reload")
  (! SPA))

👍 1

(! SPA) does not seem to properly re-render upon code reload


oh right, I'm not using fulcro for any UI rendering - you may have success with callined mount! again


hmmm... mount! again does not work either


First of all, yes, I’ll get to it, second, you can configure what gets called... It’s an option when you create an app

* `:render-root!` - The function to call in order to render the root of your application. Defaults
     to `js/ReactDOM.render`.
   * `:hydrate-root!` - The function to call in order to hydrate the root of your application. Defaults
     to `js/ReactDOM.hydrate`.


Native requires something different as well. It's also just a pr away 😉