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@mroerni One trick is that the query need not go through the component doing the containment


compose the modal in parallel in the query with the child to be rendered


then pass the content as react children to the container


Thank you @tony.kay for the videos!!!!! Finding new videos in the morning is like Christmas, they help so much!!!!

đź‘Ť 4

com.fulcrologic/fulcro-websockets {:mvn/version "3.0.3"}
              com.fulcrologic/fulcro            {:mvn/version "3.0.0-beta-15"}

   (:require [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.websockets :as websockets])
> The required namespace "com.fulcrologic.fulcro.networking.websockets" is not available


^ Am I missing something?


^ False alarm, just a case of PEBKAC + filesystem caching. ^_^


Just as a general note: There are a number of things I have not ported from F2. Things like the Bootstrap wrappers, etc. Most of that stuff should work with little modification, and if you find something missing that seems a bit more “core”, I’m glad to consider bringing it along. Part of the move is to drop maintenance on things that I’ve not found use for myself, nor with any clients. I understand that some of you may use things I’ve dropped, but the source of those things is still around, and will most likely either work unmodified or will very little work. Pull it into your own lib if you agree it isn’t “core”, or ping me if you think I’ve overlooked it.