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Is there a more idiomatic way of accomplishing this?
(def s '(({:a 1} {:b 2}) ({:c 3} {:d 4})))
(map (fn [data] (reduce merge data)) s)
I want to transform (({:a 1} {:b 2}) ({:c 3} {:d 4})))
into ({:a 1 :b 2} {:c 3 :d 4})
(map (fn [[m1 m2]] (merge m1 m2)) s)
maybe this?
It might not be what you are looking for because it only works if each of the sub-sequences contains exactly two maps. If that's the case, then this seems more readable to me.
It does in this case! I like this more then my initial solution in which I destructured with first and second. I itch a bit about the readability reduce to others but I suppose I should assume it's not an issue.
I have some troubles trying to keep tht non-mutability in mind.
I'm writing a program that will generate subway networks.
Each station
has a next
and prev
keys that indicate the next and previous stations.
When creating a line
, I send the two stations that are the start
and end
of the line.
(So, at first, every line only has two stations)
But I should also update the next
and prev
values for start
and end
But I haven't find a way to do this.
How would you proceed?
If you have become accustomed to writing programs in mutable languages, this can be something that requires some practice and experience to learn new ways of managing such data structures.
I would ask you to consider not having next
and prev
keys at all, if you do not absolutely need them -- and they might be needed for fewer reasons than you initially would think.
I do not know if it would be more helpful or confusing to consider this, but there is an existing library called ubergraph
that I have found useful for manipulating graphs, where "graph" here means the mathematical notion of a graph, with a set of nodes, and a set of edges that relate pairs of nodes.
implements these graphs as immutable objects. If you want to add a node, or an edge, it is like adding an element to an immutable set -- the old set/graph/whatever still exists and can be accessed if you want it (or you can forget it if you don't need it ever again), and a new set/graph/whatever is returned from the 'update' functions.
If you want to take advantage of already-implemented algorithms in the ubergraph
library, such as finding shortest paths, connected components, etc., I would consider giving it a look:
If you don't need such things, then it might be more trouble than it is worth to learn right now.
Yeah, I'm struggling real hard. I'll check ubergraph. Thanks for answering.
ubergraph does internally maintain a set of neighbors for each node, for you, whenever you add and remove edges. So there are efficient ways to say "tell me all neighbors for node X in graph G"
@davidomarfch next and prev are relative terms, right? like the "absolute" subway line will not have any nexts and previous/ it'll just have a completed sequence of stations right? Also, do the start and end have to be touching in your algorithm (and grow from initial position), or does the algorithm "find" the route?
work backwards from the result you want
The algorithm finds the route. It's recursive. Starts with two points, and inserts one point near the midpoint between the two, and repeats. I think that idea of recursiveness could be easy to implement in a functional way.
okay folks!
Syntax error (NullPointerException) compiling at (1:1)
with no helpful information in the stack-trace (all pieces are either working when tested directly, or are internal stuff,...)
any ideas where i can start debugging? these error messages really drive me crazy..when i've encountered that error recently, i think i've found the cause to be misspelling some identifier
Hi guys, i would like to learn about real world development with Clojure as i'm trying to design/learn how to be a build an API web server while working in the REPL
@UE4AGNU75 If you’re not quite ready to commit to using something like Component or Mount, I use the following in my Component-less projects that allow me to call (start-dev)
, (stop-dev)
, and (restart)
to recreate the server without needing to completely restart the repl:
(defonce server (atom nil))
(defroutes routes
(defn start []
(jetty/run-jetty routes {:port 3000}))
(defn start-dev [& args]
(reset! server
(jetty/run-jetty routes {:port 3000 :join? false})))
(defn stop-dev []
(when @server
(.stop @server)))
(defn restart []
(defn -main
"Start the application"
[& args]
The idea is that storing state (like your running server) in an atom allows you to start from scratch with a single function call instead of restarting the JVM.
I’m not familiar with Emacs (I’ve used Vim for years), but Emacs should provide a way to refresh the running REPL with the current version of the files you change.
So my workflow is:
1) Change a file
2) Save and reload the current namespace (using your editor’s integration with the Clojure REPL)
3) If the change I made impacts the current state at all, then (restart)
Without a tool like Component or Mount, you would need to create start and stop functions for your different types of runtime state and then tie them together in your top-level (start-dev)
and (stop-dev)
If you have an editor with REPL integration you can just change a function and re-eval it. No need to restart anything. Unless you change routes, but even that should be possible when you pass it like #'routes when starting server
Right. That step 3 above is only necessary if the resulting state is no longer valid/couldn’t possibly been produced by the current state of the codebase.
Does anyone know of some video's of people doing real coding like this on video in the repl?
What a coincidence. I watched a talk of the creator of Luminus yesterday and I think it is really good. The title is a bit misleading
there's a thread going around on people's workflows methinks, I'll see if I can find it
but if you're doing lein run
after every change ... it sounds painful
@UE4AGNU75 If you start your HTTP server in your REPL, you can continue working, editing code and evaluating it into the app while it is running in your REPL.
Component helps a lot with that because it has the idea of start/stop lifecycle for things (web servers, database connection pools, etc).
This is an example you can look at for a small web app that uses Component, Compojure (for routes), Ring, Selmer (for HTML templates), and next.jdbc (for the database).
In particular, it shows how you can start and stop the web server inside the REPL: /cc @UM8P1G72Q
My workflow is to start up a REPL (in my case with a Socket REPL and Cognitect's REBL both running as well) and then connect my editor to that and start the application inside the REPL and leave it running while I develop and test code in the editor, evaluated into the REPL. I often have my REPL running for days, sometimes even weeks without a restart.
Where i can leave in my case Spacemacs + Cider running for days with nRepl and never have to worry about it, while enjoying the development benefits
personally, I don't use lein
in any of my stuff these days
I don't do that either
to me, all of lein
is deprecated ... but that's just my preference
That sounds interesting as basically every project I've found so far uses leiningen. How come you are not using it?
is how you did it for years, but it wasn't a feature of the language, it was a third-party tool. tools.deps
now comes with the language and does all that I was using lein
for, so I don't need it anymore
maybe this is going to deep, but what is your testing workflow?
well, in Clojure, I don't usually do TDD like I would in other languages, there are more effective ways to get fast feedback in this paradigm
so, I do repl-driven development and if I need to do a test for confidence that something doesn't break, I write a test for that purpose
but, in a lot of cases, I can have my tests just run some functions against my specs
hmmm ... interesting. Do you have any resources to this style of development?
it's been trial and error for me personally, but I hear really good thing about the videos by @U050P0ACR
Thank you, this course seems to have a lot in it but I don't think I can afford it 😞
(that's why I haven't tried it yet)
I am thinking about the monthly subscription though
I guess the investment of $50 a month would make me use it as much as possible
anyways, thank you for taking time in answering my questions
If you search for the terms "sean corfield clojure" on YouTube, you can find 3 videos of his number 1, 2, 3 where he demonstrates his development workflow - he uses deps.edn and REBL
Hey, I’m just trying out the Java interop stuff. Anyone explain why this doesn’t work like I naively thought?
Java strings are immutable. What behavior did you expect to happen?
was created more for use cases where there is a mutable Java object, and you wish to do a daisy chain of multiple method calls, each of which mutates the object, and returns a reference to it.
The new
call you have does return a new object, and it is passed to the concat method, but the concat method returns a new object that your doto
form ignores and is thus discarded.
With that in mind, take a look at the output of (doc doto)
and see if its behavior makes sense now.