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I opened a pr on melpa as well. I also happen to maintain the yasnippets repo for clojure, I want to port all of these to tempel in time fyi.


Maybe some of those could be done with abbrev, e.g. (define-abbrev-table 'clojure-mode-abbrev-table '(("when" "(when)" backward-char))) would make when expand to (when |) (where | is the point) - might be annoying if you type β€œwhen” in a comment though 😁


I'd like to use more structural editing commands.. Over the past months I've gotten comfortable with slurp and barf, insert-at-end-of-list, and raise/promote. What other structural commands do ya'll use most often? (I use lispyville fwiw)


C convolute is so kingly when you start using it and comes every now and then c clone into f 's into r then ; the old bigger form lispy-symbol-ace, lispy-ace-paren moving the cursor is only the simplest action to take. Use ? to get a list. t , x, y I use a lot. lispy `x` into o I end up doing a lot. It is for moving the current sexp "out" I meant o into h / l . lispy-split I end up doing a lot for strings, wrapping str around it and putting some variable names lispy: when you mark symbol, < > and d behave intuitively. This is awesome when you want to select some forms together and want to raise or teleport. Teleport is (prefix arg to get whole screen) q (lispy ace paren) then t then type the cand paren. The other way to teleport is t when special. While you are growing the selection from mark-symbol h l and i mean "grow left" "grow right" and "shrink back"


I don't use Lispyville, but left/right movement of an "element" – a form, string, symbol etc. – is really useful


rather than character by character?


i think he means 'dragging' forms around - it's very convenient to be able to reorder elements in a list, or whole forms (ex. re-arranging divs when working with hiccup, or re-ordering expressions in threads)


for me this is via lispyville-drag-forward/backward