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Ory Band09:11:14

Hi. Is there a Clojure utility (or clj-kondo feature) that calculates "cognitive complexity"? there's something similiar in Rust lang that made me think


There is no such thing in clj-kondo

Ory Band12:11:31

any other utility that does something like this in the ecosystem? does even make sense since clojure code tends to be more "condensed" ?


Not familiar with such a tool myself


so it’s just cyclomatic complexity? (the past names referred to in that page suggests so)

Ory Band14:11:34

i guess? i too remember there are multiple naming for something like this. i remember in python there was a tool that checks how nested your code is i'm not even sure it makes sense in clojure due to scenarios like comp f g h and map of filter and threading etc etc


afaict composition doesn’t increase the complexity as it measures the number of different execution paths that are possible


found some pretty ancient code it should be doable to make a calculation like that with clj-kondo and issue a warning if a certain threshold is exceeded


According to, and re-verified by @alexmiller moments ago in thread linked below, a pipe char | is not valid as an identifier char even though the parser will accept it. It reserved for future use at the language level. I think clj-kondo should report it as an error.

:foo|bar   ; invalid
foo|bar    ; invalid;cid=CBE668G4R