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any tips on setting emacs (terminal) to interpret ALT_L as control and ALT_R as meta w/o xmodmap and blowing up the rest of my X11 setup?
It's up to the terminal to decide how to interpret them, not emacs. You'd have to look at the docs for whichever terminal emulator you're using. xmodmap is by far the easiest solution, but some sophisticated emulators should let you rebind there.
# left ctrl is hyper, caps is control, menu key (next to right ctrl on my keybord) is another super
# check the man page of `setxkbmap` and grep
# /usr/share/X11/xkb for options
setxkbmap -layout us -option ctrl:swapcaps_hyper,nodeadkeys,nbsp:level3,altwin:menu_win