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anybody knows what is this icon for? I find it in doom-modline after updating it?


that’s something controlled by doom-modeline-time-icon You can (setq doom-modeline-time-icon nil) to remove it. I don’t use doom so can’t exactly tell why is it there. Looks like it’s something related to “time segment” of the modeline

🙏 1

thanks, it's indeed the time-icon.

Drew Verlee14:08:37

Has anyone seen a resource on learning elisp for clojure devs?

👀 1

You're looking for a kind of comparison, here are similarities, here are differences? I've mostly been relying on the embedded REPL and the embedded docs, I haven't seen/uses any resources specifically for clojure devs.


Perhaps interesting to create something? A sort of Rosetta for "common clojure operations in Emacs Lisp" :thinking_face:

Drew Verlee14:08:55

I would personally benefit from a guide to learning elisp for the purposes of coding emacs functions from the perspective of someone that knew clojure. This would be slightly better then a guide which made no assumptions about the reader, but maybe not very much. It would just be a nice addition to reading list i'm making.

👍 3

I don't know, maybe hides some gem? another way would be to use make your own cheatsheet. The making of the cheatsheet itself would a great exercise. Maybe read the source. It's a relatively new (on a Emacs time-scale!) lib probably influenced by clj . And of course, if you manage to make Emacs teach you how to use Emacs (which is part of its design), you'll be unstoppable :)

👍 2

Btw there's also if you want Clojure in your Emacs Lisp 😉

Drew Verlee23:08:41

There are a couple cider functions i want to build, but long term im not sure where it's going.

Drew Verlee23:08:20

I'm not sure having clojure in my emacs will help, I'll have to look into it...

👍 1
Drew Verlee03:08:00

@UR37CBF8D that library is pretty cool. I wonder what the alternative is like? I suppose you have to do more with elisp and it's libs?


Yep, although there are libs out there like (Clojure inspired), etc

Benjamin C23:08:53

I've found this to be quite helpful at times:

gratitude-thank-you 2
👍 2

I don't know, maybe hides some gem? another way would be to use make your own cheatsheet. The making of the cheatsheet itself would a great exercise. Maybe read the source. It's a relatively new (on a Emacs time-scale!) lib probably influenced by clj . And of course, if you manage to make Emacs teach you how to use Emacs (which is part of its design), you'll be unstoppable :)

👍 2

Hi! When you'd use an immutable map in clojure, what would you use in Emacs Lisp? Is there something built in? Or do you prefer to use a library? Or do you code completely differently?


code completely differently. I think the standard associative structure is the alist (association list):

👍 3