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Hi there, I am struggling with a 4TiB oracle-DB behind Datomic. I have a huge test-db as well, where I restored a backup into a fresh oracle-db and it only used 10% from the actual test-db. So my assumption is, that the prod-db is only a fraction after restore as well. Why is that? Is it possible to reduce the size of my prod-db without restoring and switching over? (Update: I've tried gc-storage but it didn't reduce the size of the test-db significantly)


did you properly reclaim the space on the db side too ? This was my issue last time, the default reclaim behaviour was not adapted to datomic usage and we had to use a more aggressive one


@U02F0C62TC1 is correct, @U4GEXTNGZ The most likely cause for disk size disparity pre and post restore is garbage. Datomic backups do not include garbage and reflect actual disk size.


ok thanks. that helps. any idea which word I need to shout at the oracle-admin for him to know which direction to go?


There’s also gc-deleted-dbs. If the storage contains datomic databases that were deleted at the datomic level (d/delete-database), the segments from that database are not actually deleted from storage without an extra operation.