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I run a bit of code in my REPL and it seems to get cut short.... it ends with ...) and I don't get all my DB entries which I try to create while executing this command... is this a REPL/Calva thing? If yes what can I do about it?


I am getting 52 entries in my DB out of the 600 or so I expect.


so not a multiple of 32 as I thought first, that could be due to laziness I guess. or is it?


It may be *print-length*


Check out the control variables on that page, it has some examples

👍 1

that seems to do the trick. I turned of pretty-printing and now I get way more entries in my DB 🙂


See for how to configure pretty printing.

🙏 1
Yehonathan Sharvit15:08:29

Do Calva test-related commands know how to work with babashka REPL?


Only if babashka REPL implements the cider-nrepl ops needed. I don't right now remember if it does.

Yehonathan Sharvit21:08:15

What are the cider-nrepl ops needed for running tests?


That would be test-var-query and retest.

Jared Cone23:08:58

I don't seem to have autocomplete when interacting with java code, such as in:

(:import [com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl LwjglApplication])
I was hoping that it would show the parameters for the LwjglApplication constructor. Is this not supported or have I not configured something correctly?


We don't have support for parameter help on Java methods. It's something to add to cider-nrepl, I think.

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