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Noob here. I'm on vanilla Doom (and therefore Ivy) and am trying to follow the instructions In particular: > SPC p p then choose your project with M-o v instead of RET or call (counsel-projectile-switch-project 13) directly When I press M-o it takes me to facemenu-keymap, and therefore M-o v is undefined. I'm guessing Doom changed something. I have no idea what it means to "call (counsel-projectile-switch-project 13) directly". I associate parens with editing with the config, and I'm pretty sure that's not what the poster meant. I don't see counsel-projectile-switch-project in M-x, and even if I did I would have no idea how to pass 13 to it. I believe, but M-x counsel yields nothing. What am I missing?


I think that new installs of Doom now default to using vertico, but you can check which is enabled in your init.el. Not sure exactly what that reddit thread is asking, but if you're trying to get opening a project to run magit-status, I have this in my config:

(defun jk/switch-project-action (dir)
  "Run `magit-status' after switching to a new project."

(setq +workspaces-switch-project-function #'jk/switch-project-action)


That's pretty much what I wanted - and your config works for me. Thanks!