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can anyone provide a good resource for setting up org (preferably with use-package) in order to write a config file in org and have it compile to init.el?


@UAW40E21F I use org-mode to configure everything in Emacs, including package management. However I use the built-in functionality for the latter. There's quite a bit of documentation going on, too:


oh nice thank you. I decided to go the less fancy route and just include the .el file that org-babel makes... rather than having it overwrite my init.el like I've seen. I have a somewhat workable starting point and can at least get back to coding over configging Emacs lol.


That's what I'm doing. My init.el only has a couple of lines of code. I think that's the idiomatic way.


Org is quite a huge and confusing package lol.


lots of convoluted (and potentially outdated) responses out there on the webs... it is getting confusing


My own setup is horribly convoluted for no good reason. At some point in the past, the latest org version had both a feature I wanted to use and had a broken org-babel-tangle. My solution was to keep using it, but downloading an older org-mode version and putting it in a separate folder in my .emacs.d. To this day every time I open emacs, if I detect my config.el file is older than my one, I run a separate instance of emacs with no loaded libraries except that old version of org-mode, use it to compile my config.el, and then resume my main emacs instance initialization.


(let ((emacs-binary (if (eq system-type 'darwin)
  (if (file-newer-than-file-p "~/.emacs.d/" "~/.emacs.d/config.el")
      (shell-command-to-string (concat emacs-binary " -q --script ~/.emacs.d/tangle_config.el"))))


@dromar56 fwiw, I inline my org config in the :config section of a use-package declaration:


it's not perfect, and I'm not an "expert" org-mode user at all. I mainly use it for todo lists.


I have this question (worth answering over there for the sake of persistence)


I wonder if CIDER can disable ":pedantic? :abort" setting when launching REPL


I had the same exact problem. I override it at ~/.lein/profiles.clj:

{:user {:pedantic? false} ...
Not clean, but it works. I tried to create a specific :emacs-nopedantic profile (as opposed to :user, for not polluting all other projects/repls), but it doesn't work


good idea , thank you 👍


I tried to switch off injecting the dependencies