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Is there any automated way to get datomic pro starter running locally on a laptop? I haven't found any way to use it that doesn't require manually editing configuration files.


not that I know of @chrisbroome, but if you’re just running in dev mode, I think it’s just copying that sample template up and pasting in your license key


@chrisbroome we usually add a dependency on it locally, and then use the in-memory mode. That is, we don't use an external transactor.

Petrus Theron13:07:27

Is it possible to run Datomic client API on Heroku with Postgres as a backing store with an eager indexing scheme/transactor without running a Datomic Peer? Datomic On-Prem requires Heroku Enteprise to run, and my hobby side-project doesn't justify the cost of migrating to Datomic Cloud yet. *Edit: I see there is now a $1/day solo deployment. Maybe that's what I need. Does that work with Datomic Ions?

Petrus Theron13:07:18

Hm, I don't understand the AWS Solo deployment pricing. When I continue to the AWS Marketplace subscription page, I see that I will also be billed hourly for t2.small and i3.large instances, not just $1/day. Will these costs be discounted for solo deployment, or am I doing something wrong?


The all-in price for solo is around $1 a day, depending a bit on your free tier usage, etc


Yes, ions absolutely work with solo


I’ve been running the solo since the 25th last month. I’m up to a grand total of about $20 for this month so far, which is about a buck a day. I wouldn’t necessarily call it easy to set up Datomic Cloud (or indeed do anything else on AWS), but it sure is a lot easier than the alternative.

Petrus Theron13:07:22

^ nevermind, I figured out the AWS Marketplace UI is just confusing - it quotes you for all possible components. At the next step, you can specify which Cloudformation to use (Solo or Production).


Yes, we are working with AWS to try and make this clearer, but it’s currently the way Marketplace’s UI works


One of these days, Amazon will decide that they’ve finally amassed enough cash to hire a designer.


I understand that string tempids are encouraged when building txns these days. When there isn’t a reasonable synthetic id available, I’ve been using (str (d/squuid)). Is that a bad idea?


Don’t think it’s an issue, although it may be a bit heavyweight for what you actually need You only need as many unique strings as you have tempids in a single transaction - I usually default to the “stringified” version of any unique/identity attr I have


In order to push an Ion, it has to be a Git repository?

Oliver George21:07:04

No. The are benefits though. If not you need to manually name your release.


I tried pushing a non-git Ion and received:

 "{:op :push :uname \"kenny\" :creds-profile \"compute-dev\"}",
 ({:message "Shell command failed",
   :class ExceptionInfo,
   {:args ("git" "status" "-s"),
    {:exit 128,
     :out "",
     "fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\n"}}})}


@U083D6HK9 @U055DUUFS yes, it requires git. It uses git to make the package to push. We’d be interested in hearing feedback if your business or project prohibits the use of git.

Oliver George22:07:32

I stand corrected


@U1QJACBUM No use case for it. Just surprised me because the docs don't mention it as a requirement.


I am getting a bunch of DEBUG output from AWS and apache when running commands. Is there a way to configure this? I use com.taoensso/timbre with com.fzakaria/slf4j-timbre and configure Timbre in my code. My code is not getting called when running the Ion commands so the log config is not set.