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@ghopper we put a lot of effort into re-frame-10x, so that burned most of the "open source budget" we had available across the last 8 months. But yeah, we'll get around to that stuff in the next 6 months.
I'm kinda interested in doing what's necessary to get re-frame into a better position for doing state machine based UIs.
That, to me, is the next interesting frontier
is where all thinking goes when there's time
But we'll "promote" stuff from EP stage to real Github issue for general comment when there's enough maturity
@mikethompson Thanks for the update. The 10x stuff is super cool, and I'm very interested in the state machine UI stuff. Thanks for clarifying the EP stuff as well.
State machines rock. This a weird one: JS to make CodePen happy. It simulates an asynchronous chip circuit by having an FSM for each wire. The weird thing is that the only input to the FSMs is the tick of a clock.
why am i gettin re-frame: no :event handler registered for:
cljs.core.Keyword {ns: null, name: "initialize-db", fqn: "initialize-db", _hash: 230998432, cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$: 2153775105, ā¦}
(ns bus-routes.db)
(def default-db
{:page :route
:coord nil})
and (ns
(:require [re-frame.core :refer [dispatch reg-event-db reg-sub]]
[bus-routes.db :as db]))
(fn [_ _]
Are you sure your
ns is getting required by the ns that calls init!
i expected figwheel to load that on save but it didnt once i eval-ed ns - it worked
the tooling for reframe is getting pretty badass. i just got 10x working and big kudos to the team there. i just need to figure out a way to make the epoch replay work with a halted async-flow fx ā¦
Check out state charts for re frame then. I'm very curious why the idea isn't more popular
Hey all, I have a structured DB like this:
[:devices [:docs [:data ["assignedDate" "1992", "owned" "FALSE", ...]
I am having trouble figuring out the right way to build my reg-event-db so that I can update the "owned" field...
Here is my function:
(fn [db [_ owned-val]]
(update db :devices assoc :owned owned-val)))
Ok thanks. I'm going to keep going through this before Itry a new idea
hi everyone. I have a scroll event listener, that saves the scrollTop
in app state. and then I have a few sticky components, that use this subscription. Iām using rf/dispatch
to save the scrollTop
in state. and whenever I do this, and when I scroll the page up and down, those sticky components are a sort of jiggling a bit