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Hey, quick question: using figwheel, I'd add :external-config {:fulcro.inspect/config {:launch-keystroke "ctrl-shift-f"}} to get devtools to work on ubuntu. But I just switched to using shadowcljs (used lein new fulcro ... +shadow-cljs` to create a new project and migrated code in), and I'm unsure where to put it. The following doesn't seem to work, and consulting the guide and fulcro-inspect README didn't help:


If you use the the Fulcro Lein template you will see the setup you need.


Thank you! I don't think that helps me in this case because I did use the lein template with shadowcljs. I think more specifically my issue is that I'm not sure if :external-config is a valid shadowcljs option, and I don't know what to use in its place.


It (`:external-config`) is a valid option - I presume it is because it works for me.


Under [:builds :main :compiler-options], where you might not have :main but sumfin else.


You've put :external-config in the wrong place.


But you shouldn't need an :external-config at all.


Ah, compiler-options. I had been putting it in devtools. Even still, it doesn't seem to be working 😞


@montanonic have you tried the chrome extension ?


@montanonic If you are using the Chrome extension, which is the latest version/s of Fulcro Inspect, then there's no launching as such, so that's another reason not to worry about :external-config. There is a special Chrome tool you have to install as well, which is quite prominent in the README.

👍 4

If you are using lein then you need [fulcrologic/fulcro-inspect "2.2.1"] in the dependencies that are picked up by shadow-cljs.


For my project.clj this is at [:profiles :cljs :dependencies].