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Is “filter” likely to be supported by the Cloud/Client API in future? It’s not there now but, because as-of is already supported, it seems like using custom filters might be possible/in the works. This is really valuable for building a multi-tenant web service so I suspect I’m not the only one interested in this.


Question: I've looked through the doco but I can't find anything clear on this. I have two entities, let's call them order and order-item. I want to create an order, which will have two order items. I will transact both order items, then transact the order, which will include two references to the two order-items. I have created a :db.type/ref entry with a cardinality of many in order to hold these references to order-items. How do I actually get the refs from transacting the order-items so to 'insert' them into the order transaction?


It's plain that I'm missing something obvious, but I can't quite see what.


but I would back up and ask “how can an order line item exist without an order”?


aren’t they “cart items” or “potential order items” or something at that moment in time?


Can I add them at the same time then? If so, how?


I assume that there must be some sort of equivalent of a foreign key reference, but the doco is rather light on examples


@sleepyfox have you seen the tutorials repo? This stories/comments example is fairly similar to orders/items


Thanks, I'll take a look.


Hey all, quick question: part of my client's requirement is to "reset their account information", meaning clear all fields. If I remember correctly, I wasn't able to transact an empty map as an entity into datomic...what would be the recommended way to accomplish something like this?


retract the datoms: [:db/retract entity-id ident val-to-retract]


I was considering potentially transacting something like { :user/reset (Date.) } to capture that event as data as their new profile


@joelsanchez thaaat makes more sense. Thanks 🙂


Still getting used to the datomic information model