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Hey! Data oriented programming might be the most valuable idea I've learned working with Clojure, that I've been able to transfer to other languages. DOP has changed how I approach Python, Javascript, Go and Java. Now I'm looking to learn C. My motivation for learning C is: • To learn how computer memory works • To learn how to write programs that use the memory effectively, to achieve better performance then when working with objects • To learn how to work with big datasets • Perhaps even learn some graphics. --- I have an impression that it's possible to apply data oriented programming to C too. It's structs and functions, right? Therefore: Do you have learning resources to recommend when I want to write C with data-orientation in mind? Thanks! 😄

Yehonathan Sharvit15:07:57

@teodorlu Can you share some details about the way you applied DOP in Java? Is it aligned with what I present in the appendix about Java in my book?


I haven't read your appendix. I might have to! In short: 1. Consider just using hash maps and lists instead of "everything is an object" 2. When making classes, make them trivial to convert from/to JSON 3. When making classes, make them small and immutable. Consider using dataclasses.


You're referring to Appendix B?


I've either just used a map, or gone the "reflection" route with Gson or Jackson. I haven't really encountered the need to treat the objects as maps. If I were to do that, I guess I could just convert to Json and then convert to a map. My primary benefit in Java has simply been "less object stuff". Represent a domain entity with an immutable object, done. Don't write setters. Then try to build a "language" for working with those domain objects in a way that makes sense.


C has no objects, no class system, no built-in hash maps or lists, unless you implement them yourself from the constructs that C does provide.


It is certainly possible to write pure functions in C, but in idiomatic C, they are the exception, I would say.