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i have on more issues on starting IntelliJ 2022.3 Beta Build #IU-223.7571.4, built on November 9, 2022 i still get this exception though, when i start a local nREPL:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No HighlightingSession found for ClojureFile (class cursive.repl.ReplFragment) in ProgressIndicator 1762953232: running=true; canceled=false in map: ClojureFile (class cursive.psi.impl.ClojureFileImpl) -> HighlightingSessionImpl: myVisibleRange:(0,3380); myPsiFile: ClojureFile


the funny thing is, that im getting this error even a JS-only project...


> i have on more issues on starting Was that: I have one more issue, or: I have no more issues?


oops, sorry, i meant NO more issues - as in exceptions in the Notifications tool window - on startup. that No HighlightingSession found for ClojureFile exception appears when im starting the REPL. in the meantime, i did find an issue though, after startup has settled, scanned all the files for indexing and whatever it does about the dependencies afterwards and i have no symbol resolution for my src & test deps.edn :paths, BUT i have for the dev directory... same project doesn't have this issue under 2022.2.{2,3} of course. i tried to run Refresh Clojure Deps Projects manually, but that didn't fix it. i've deleted my compiled classes/* - which is also on my classpath - no difference either. i tried to use tools.deps version 0.15.1244 directly and also clojure cli; makes no difference either.


That’s really weird. Are those folders marked as sources in the project view?


yes, they are correctly marked as both source and test roots. the strange thing is that the src dir has a library root annotation next to it in the Project tool window, but those are the sources, which can't resolve even clojure.core. while the dev & test paths don't have this library root indication, yet they have no issue with the symbol resolution. dev & test are also added via :extra-paths in 2 different tools.deps aliases.


ah, i found something strange! there is no Deps tool window! despite having IntelliJ sub-modules, with a Clojure configuration tabs. i can email a screenshot.


nvm, the Deps tool window was just hidden from the Tool Window Bars


i've accidentally opened the Profiler tool window, where I saw a clojure.main Process. when I left-clicked on it, I got a menu with an Attach IntelliJ Profiler item. after clicking that, it has started to collect profiling info, which i could explore on a flame-graph, after stopping the profiling. it captures way more info, that what i would usually want, but at least it's built-in to intellij 🙂 the flame-graph navigation was very choppy though (in IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.3; i think they improved on it recently)