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hi! my cursive started printing the form in the REPL when I use "Send top form to REPL" - which kinda wrecks the history (particularly since I push defn with shortcut, then hit 'up' to replay my last form quite often)


I don't know if that's just a setting I accidentally changed, but I can't find it


ah, found it


Languages & Frameworks -> Clojure -> uncheck "Add forms sent from editor to REPL history" - in case anyone else wants to know xD

🎉 3

There's also Cmd-Up (or Ctrl-Up on PC) to scroll an entire form at a time in the REPL history. For example, if you have "Add to REPL history" checked, and you send a 5-line form to the REPL, you can use Cmd-Up to get to the previous REPL command instead of having to hit Up 5 times.