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Gleb Posobin18:09:05

Is anybody using doom emacs with clojure? Have just installed it after using spacemacs for a while. Trying to find any clojure configs to start off.

Gleb Posobin19:09:52

Thank you!

👍 3
Gleb Posobin05:09:02

@UKFSJSM38 How do you deal with inserting in the end of the function? When I have (let [x 10] (* x 10 |)) on the top level, where | is the position of the cursor, and I am trying to insert e.g. 20 on a new line, I press enter but the cursor just moves outside the parentheses instead of moving the closing parentheses onto the new line.


This is responssibility of your parenthesis manipulation package, I use paredit but there are others like lispyville , parinfer


doom-emacs has all of these on the init.el you just have to choose what you want to use.