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Trying out Cursive, I’m having a somewhat weird error to do with package resolution

Errors during project resolution
				The following errors were found during project resolve:
				/Users/ ... /deps.edn:
				/.m2/repository/buddy/buddy-core/1.6.0/buddy-core-1.6.0.pom.part.lock (No such file or directory)
It works perfectly fine on linux, but running on MacOS gets stuck on this. I’m also getting the “no modules containing clojure.main found” error when trying to set up a run configuration. Happens with both local tools and using tools.deps directly. As something possibly related, my deps aliases don’t appear to be working. Source paths from aliases I’ve apparently included don’t appear to have any effect.


That package error is very weird. Do you get that using deps on the command line in that package?


The “No modules…” error is probably because your project didn’t sync correctly due to the first error.


It works fine running with deps, it’s just cursive/intellij that seems to be having the issue


> /.m2/repository/buddy/buddy-core/1.6.0/buddy-core-1.6.0.pom.part.lock (No such file or directory) unless you redacted some portions of the path above, it indicates that the .m2 directory is under the / (root) directory (it's usually under ~, i.e., the path should have been something like ~/.m2/repository/buddy/buddy-core/1.6.0/buddy-core-1.6.0.pom.part.lock) and whatever process that's resolving the maven artifacts is having access permission issues with that directory.


Hmmmm, it seems like using a relative :mvn/local-repo doesn’t work on cursive on mac


That seems to have fixed the problems though, thanks!


What did your local-repo declaration look like? I can fix that.


:mvn/local-repo ".m2/repository"


Presumably you intended that to be relative to the directory the deps.edn file is in, correct?