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Kari Marttila07:04:55

I'm trying to configure Cursive with deps.edn. Cursive says in build window: "sync failed" and ""Cannot execute: Clojure command not configured". Any idea how to configure this in Cursive?

Kari Marttila07:04:22

I found how to fix this. I had created the project manually in Cursive. I removed the project in Cursive, deleted the .idea directory, and imported the project as deps.edn external project - works now.

Lennart Buit05:04:25

I like how it says that it “looks like HTML”, computer aint sure about that


That’s when the clipboard contains text from outside IntelliJ. If you cut from an HTML file within IntelliJ then it knows what it is and says “The clipboard content was copied from an HTML file” instead.