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I watched a talk about React and the so called time-slicing, and about the virtues of asynchronous rendering. There was a notion of priority of updates, and how low priority updates don't block high priority ones. Does Fulcro allow developers to leverage that? Or am I confused, and I don't have to specify which updates are high-priority?


In particular, I'm talking about this section of the talk:


React is basically implementing all of that internally. I think their idea is that when new events arrive they can interrupt rendering and handle them. By time slicing the updates any “fast rendering” components are likely to succeed before an event could arrive, allowing the fast responsive components to not be blocked by slow ones


Fulcro can’t really “inhibit or enable” that


neither can anything else AFAIK


other than turning overall async rendering support on/off


my answer, of course, is based on the limited info I’ve seen from React team..I’m not following this particular topic closely


Hi, after reading wilker’s article, I was wondering if something like “app local” css might be useful. where say :@my-class {...} gets munged and injected, but only relative to say the app root/key or something. So that you could plop in and use your “global” common utilities, etc across components, but still get the name collision avoidance and what have you.