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@cfleming: Thanks for the advice yesterday by the way....on another there a way to get the repl to launch when you connect to a project?
@rantingbob: You mean to start it automatically? No, there isn’t right now.
I noticed that I'm repeating the same actions at every launch. Open REPL window, launch repl.
Noted. Thank you
I'm wondering if there is an instance when people wouldn't first launch a repl when they launch...or if its so common it should probably be default behaviour. As I said yesterday, I don't really know CLojure well enough to be representative. I'm still very much a learner
@rantingbob: IntelliJ tends to be doing a lot of work when it starts up, so adding a REPL in there would be slow
@danielcompton: Is it really that different I say, I'm launching it as soon as I open the project anyway. As long as the GUI remains responsive and you get some feedback (repl window opens says connecting or some such) does it matter?
Currently there is a minor inconvenience so as to appear faster at launch...or thats how I currently see it
I see what you mean, I have it bound to Command+R so it’s not really a big deal in practice
The REPL window, or the run config?
And there’s lots of times when you want an external REPL/no REPL,e.t.c.
Run config, which opens the REPL too
That I don't doubt, as I said above...I'm so very new to Clojure I might be spouting nonsense
Hey, quick bug report: I upgraded one of my machines from IntelliJ 14 to 15, and it prompted me to install Cursive for .clj files, but it seemed to pick up the intellij-14 version of Cursive. Once I added the intellij-15 repository per I was able to install the 15 version of cursive and then everything worked fine. I’m AFK for a bit but I’ll check in later
Hi, I just installed intellij 15 and registered cursive with a non-commercial license. Now whenever want to enable that license the OK button never get's active, but there is no error showen either.
You can ignore it for now because the new update is at the JetBrains repo, see:
You can use the 30-day eval period for now and enter the licence later when I get that sorted out.
All details are here:
@cfleming: congrats on the release! I have the same issue as @sveri with my commercial license (Debian unstable, OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-internal-b01)).
I've opted into the evaluation period for now, but if there's anything I can do to help debug this, let me know.
(it seems it properly detects the license -- if I remove a single character anywhere, it says "Invalid Licence Certificate", but the OK button stays disabled no matter what)
Ok, I have a theory about the problem, I’ll make a dev build now, if one of you could test it that would be great.
@nikolap: Right - could you grab and see if that works better?
@cfleming: despite installing this from disk, I'll keep getting automatic updates from the channel, right?
Any advantage to using IntelliJ Ultimate edition vs Community edition if I'm only using it for Cursive?
@puzzler: No, the main advantage would be if you were working with web tech as well, JS/HTML etc
@puzzler: No, Cursive has its own JS indexing support which doesn’t rely on the JetBrains JS support
If you’re editing JS it doesn’t help you, but if you’re only consuming JS from CLJS there’s basically no difference.
@cfleming: It's nice that there is a non commercial license available. Is that something that you decided or did Jetbrains decide to do so?
@sveri: No, I’m totally unaffiliated with JetBrains. I’d like Cursive to be widely available for things like OSS and academic work, hopefully not too many people will take advantage of it.
Thank you, really. I just use it for closp and trying things out, never intended to make money out of it until now. So I really appreciate that move. And really, cursive is godsend for me, given the fact that emacs does everything well but being an editor 😄
No problem, I’m just glad that people enjoy using it and that more of them will be able to!
@cfleming: Not sure if this was your update or the fact that I installed the plugin from disk, but all of a sudden cursive seems to be broken, especially when trying to add a run configuration
Time to join the release congrats chrous @cfleming I was just doing some Faraday tests on IntelliJ and it’s amazing how much the pretty printing helps.
@cfleming: Congrats on the release 😄 I hope its a roaring success
Finally saw that Cursive went 1.0! Nice work @cfleming
Does Cursive detect checkout libs now?
@pupeno: it has for a long time
Oh… I somehow didn’t trigger it before.
18 months +