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@ryanbrush: potentially stupid question -- but what's the best way to try out changes to clara-tools on the dev branch in my project?
i was trying to use lein checkouts
, but it is yelling at me for not having cljsbuild/compiler__init.class or cljsbuild/compiler.clj on the classpath
@devn I just run lein install in the clara-tools 0.2-Dev branch and point my consuming project at the snapshot version.
@ryanbrush: well, that worked. thanks. i think that's what i wound up doing last time i had it working.
looks like you're tinkering with the logic graph at the moment, or im calling it wrong, not sure which
@devn cool! It's still really rough, and the logic graph definitely needs work. I'm going to start using it against some real data soon so it should improve.
im getting a bunch of "No reader function for tag object" from readTagged(
@ryanbrush: looks like i'm getting it for queries that return nothing and when clicking on facts that aren't actually within the session?
I'm probably not calling it the way you'd expect... I just call (watch/browse!)
after all rules have fired