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saleem khatib22:08:28

Hi, I'm new to the clojure community and to software in general but would like to contribute to repos. Is there a beginner friendly repos that I contribute to?


I'd ask this in #C053AK3F9.


And you may want to introduce yourself in #C0218CKTVEK 🙂 Welcome to Clojure!


If you wanted to browse around for open source projects that seem interesting, you could take a look at or find popular Clojure problems on github at;type=repositories&amp;s=stars&amp;o=desc

Rupert (Sevva/All Street)10:08:04

It's often worth just starting your own repos as then there are literally no constraints on what you can do. Is there a something you would like to build? For example you could build an AI powered website (e.g. joke generator, poem generator, advice generator) with jetty, compojure, hiccup and OpenAI's Chat API or Llama all from Clojure.

saleem khatib22:08:35

@U2FRKM4TW thanks, will do. @U077BEWNQ will do. also thanks for the Github search suggestion, I used buddy.auth and saw that it needs maintainers but sadly I am not into encryption. That's why I'm looking for libraries. @UJVEQPAKS I thought more of libraries but thanks for the suggestions

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Rupert (Sevva/All Street)07:08:06

There's plenty of libraries you can build from scratch - even if it competes with an existing library its not a problem - the more options the better. Do note that unlike other programming languages, Clojure libraries are often very small and don't have to be constantly changing to be considered useful. No changes for 6 months doesn't necessarily mean it's abandoned. One approach to consider, is if there are any non-clojure libraries or third party APIs/services that you particularly like working with then you could be a library or wrapper for Clojure to have access to it.


Apparently lambda island has "first timers" issues Even if you didn't find many, it would not surprise me if they were welcoming for new contributors!

saleem khatib16:08:09

that sounds exactly what I want. Thank you @U45T93RA6.

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