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Right, I just have heard about how hooks could be used in the clojurescdipt space but it seems like a small abstraction that isn't as necessary since atoms seem natural to clojure
ah, yes. Well we have some very fancy atoms that do very fancy things! for instance, reagent.core/atom
is a very special atom, because when the value of that atom changes, it causes the react component to rerender. This is more than a normal clojure atom
I defined my re-frame app version in the leiningen project.clj file: (defproject posti-kioski-gui "1.6.3" ... ). In my GUI (in a view-function) I would like to show to the users this version. How can I get this version number to propagate all the way to GUI?
Not sure if this is the best way, but what we did was add (def props {:version "0.9.9-SNAPSHOT"})
above the defproject, and use closure-defines in the cljsbuild profile:
:closure-defines {yourproject.core/version ~(:version props)}
Thank you for your reply @UCW9TUDNK! I am attempting this approach now with
:closure-defines {posti-kioski-gui.settings/version "1.0"}
How should I refer to this value in the re-frame component? Simply referring to the symbol does not seem to work (undeclared Var warning):
(defn- version [] [:span "(v. " posti-kioski-gui.settings/version ])
A long shot, but try without the slash maybe? As in, posti-kioski-gui.version
, or something like that.
@UM54X8VTM I think I forgot to mention that the :closure-defines
key needs to be inside :compiler
, so it's full path inside project.clj would be :cljsbuild :builds :min :compiler :closure-defines
. you also have to have it present in any other cljsbuild profiles (like :dev
) where you also want the version string.
probably worth checking out the doc for it as well
hello guys
is $(document).ready(function(){}) run once ?
is there a good way to move this js to clojurescript ?
jQuery’s $(document).ready(function () {});
is short-hand for the built-in content-loaded handler:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
//do work
Fairly trivial to port to CLJS.
More info can be found here:
I use a pretty vanilla cljs setup for a library, with cljsbuild. No web stuff, it's CLI/Node oriented. Now, whenever my tests fail, no stacktrace is printed:
Compiling ClojureScript...
Compiling ["target/out/tests.js"] from ["modules" "libs" "main" "test"]...
Successfully compiled ["target/out/tests.js"] in 5.807 seconds.
Testing some-ns
ERROR in (with-system-tests) (Error:NaN:NaN)
Uncaught exception, not in assertion.
expected: nil
actual: #object[Error Error: No protocol method IAssociative.-assoc defined for type xxxxx: [object Object]]
Ran 3 tests containing 3 assertions.
0 failures, 1 errors.
What should I setup for it to happen?I do not know, but can confirm that I see the same behavior when using deps.edn and ClojureScript and clojure.test
So, at least it is not specific to cljsbuild
From looking at clojure.test implementation from Clojure/Java and ClojureScript, I believe it is a difference in cljs's clojure.test implementation. It simply does not print the stack trace in this case, whereas Clojure/Java clojure.test does.
Perhaps without any changes to cljs code, it might be possible to change this behavior by redefining a defmethod that cljs clojure.test uses to report errors when exceptions are thrown. Will try it out and let you know.
There is probably an easier way, but if you put these in your cljs test namespace, before the first deftest:
;; fn handle-error is copied from file
;; src/test/self/self_parity/test.cljs in ClojureScript source code.
(defn handle-error
[error sms]
(loop [error error]
(let [message (if (instance? ExceptionInfo error)
(ex-message error)
(.-message error))
parsed-stacktrace (st/parse-stacktrace {}
(.-stack error)
{:ua-product :nodejs}
(println message)
(print (st/mapped-stacktrace-str parsed-stacktrace sms))
(when-some [cause (.-cause error)]
(print "caused by: ")
(recur cause)))))
(defn pr-str-plus-stack-trace-if-error [x]
(if (instance? js/Error x)
(prn x)
;; second arg passed to handle-error in ClojureScript source
;; file src/test/self/self_parity/test.cljs is @st. This is
;; some kind of source-map thing, but I do not know how to
;; pass a useful value for that parameter yet.
(handle-error x {}))
(pr x))))
Then inside of the deftest expression, put this first, before any is
statements: (set-env! (assoc (empty-env) :formatter pr-str-plus-stack-trace-if-error))
That doesn't give correct line numbers in cljs source code, because I do not yet know how to pass a correct source map argument to the handle-error function
If that works for you, those two functions could be put into a common "test helper functions" test namespace that is require'd from all of your other test namespaces.
Also I know how to avoid putting that set-env!
into every deftest individually, by writing a bit of code that lets you execute a function at the beginning of every deftest
I forget to mention that you also need a require
of [clojure.stacktrace :as st]
for that code above to work.
by writing a bit of code that lets you execute a function at the beginning of every deftest
do you mean fixtures?
I have not used that technique, although it may work as well or better than what I have tried, which is to defmethod clojure.test/report multimethod for a particular kind of report event with keyword :begin-test-var
. I can point you at some sample code if you want to try it.
I noticed that a down side of the method suggested above is that it seems to forget the pass/fail count tests between deftests, which is certainly not ideal.
There is probably a way to tweak that code so that no longer happens.
rather, it is not "forgetting", but starting over with a 0 count for each deftest
thanks for everything! ...needless to say, it seems optimal that this was fixed upstream. Would appreciate if you created an issue -given you could observe the fault as well- probably mine would be worse-filled
I will certainly consider it, and maybe even propose a patch, although will hope to get some expert help improving the source map behavior there.
Created a ticket here, in case you want to follow along: