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Does anyone here have experience with OpenLayers or Leaflet with Reagent? I was just wondering if I should spend some time evaluating react wrappers such as ‘react-leaflet’ or head directly to js/interop path like this
I need to do mapping with several layers and I also need to be able to draw new features.
Quick question, what's the difference between #js and #object types? Also, why does (object?)
return true
for #js but false
for #object?
@valtteri, I'm using react-leaflet with Reagent and I'm pretty happy with it. Not doing anything advanced, though.
2.x, just the core library. Basically I just added cljsjs/react-leaflet
as a dependency and then wrapped the components like this:
(def leaflet-map (r/adapt-react-class react-leaflet/Map))
(def leaflet-tile-layer (r/adapt-react-class react-leaflet/TileLayer))
(def leaflet-marker (r/adapt-react-class react-leaflet/Marker))
(def leaflet-popup (r/adapt-react-class react-leaflet/Popup))
;; ....
I think I’m going to also need this plugin where upgrade to 2.x has been suspiciously hanging for 3 months
@priornix #object
should never be used directly. its a fallback for an "unprintable" object.
Heh, that's an annoying situation. I assume that plugin would work just fine with Reagent, though.
Yep, I’ll see if the PR gets merged and try the other approach meanwhile. Thanks for the input @miikka!
@thheller I see, but what's the nuanced difference between #object
and #js
from a Clojurescript or Javascript perspective? The #object
is generated by a JS library but it's methods is still callable from Clojurescript.
@priornix anything printed as #object
is a JavaScript instance with its own prototype/class. so not {}
but something new Thing(...)
specifically complex ones - neither arrays nor any of the primitives will display as #object
but newer native classes like Promises and Maps/Sets will, as will any with a custom constructor, to tell you what it is.
the #js
just indicates it's a JS object/array rather than a clojurescript data structure, mirroring the #js
reader macro
Thanks @thheller @jesse.wertheim I wonder if (js->clj) should be updated to work with #object
no it should not. the objects are inherently unprintable. you can extend the IPrintWithWriter protocol for those classes
if you just want to see the object you can use (js/console.log the-thing)
but you can't just print arbitrary classes since you can't know what to print
True that, I was thinking more of property/method access rather than printing. For which, there is:
same thing. sure you can pull out any random properties but that doesn't mean that you can do anything useful with that OK I want to understand your situation, but I’m not really clear on it. First I will tell you what most people do.
if you run your main application server and serve the compiled ClojureScript assets from your main application server
I mean… I’m on dev stage and first started figwheel project with lein new figwheel etc…
so now i want to have my code updated live on figwheel… with figwheel… and on luminus with luminus
ok you should be able to configure luminus to serve the ../front-end/resources/public
I have been struggling for two weeks on getting Slickgrid to work in my CLJS project. How difficult would it be to reimplement in pure CLJS: 1. Table header resizing 2. Draggable column headers 3. Sortable columns 4. Filterable columns 5. Hideable columns 6. Select all. 7. Pagination. 8. Ajax loading
Apols for the newbie query. I'm wanting to use a cljsjs packaged library in Reagent, have done the relevant requires etc and the docs then say 'in order to call a function do (js/GlobalName.someFunction) '- where should I rummage to find the relevant 'GlobalName'
@steve613 yeah it's basically rummage-time
usually the name is easy to guess
what I do is I open the app in chrome with the pseudo-ns required
then check if there is window.CamelCasedVersionOfLibName
e.g. for react-select I would check for window.ReactSelect in the chrome devtools
does that make sense?
@pesterhazy thanks ... so it's a library-defined name rather than Reagent
it's defined in the cljsjs packaging code
some lib packaging scripts do it manually: - others do it implicitly somehow I assume
@its.ramzi what problems were you encountering?
I could only render the Slickgrid when I imported the javascript serverside and passed it to the client.
If I had a page loaded on the client, I could load the Slickgrid source into a <script> DOM element, but I couldnt run it.
there’s just no reason Slickgrid should not work - if you can make it work with regular JavaScript, then it will work with ClojureScript
but two weeks seems like a long time to not be able to even invoke it from ClojureScript …
oh k, just double-checking - yeah then maybe it is a Slickgrid issue - one bad sign is that it appears abandoned - though are you using the active fork?
So, when you run that, you should see a div called myGrid, and an import for my-grid.js
Can I use alias
in ClojureScript?
does not seem to work,new cljs.core.Symbol(null,"ba","ba",679581229,null),burst_events_fn.api)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
hello, can someone help me 🙂 i dont know how to deal with promises in clojurescript for e.x. js/fetch
@puremonad you can access to then and catch like this: (-> (js/fetch ....) (.then #(println %)))
sorry let me get rid of the ->
(.then (js/fetch ....) #(println %))
the .fn-name
syntax means "call whatever method" on the instance of the first parameter
which for you is a js/Promise
it is 😄
don't forget the #
, which is very often confusing...
@richiardiandrea no alias
is not supported in cljs
hashtag sad panda 😢
is it contributable or already discarded for reasons @thheller
not a clue. its not really useful in a CLJS setting given the more static nature of ns
Ok I was curious because there is a trick that some folks employ for specs which is:
# clj only
(create-ns 'my-test.namespace)
(alias 'mn 'my-test.namespace)
(s/def ::mn/test-spec string?)
It decouples spec aliasing from seems that works? <- yep saw that and voted, I hope one day it will get implemented
Ok I was curious because there is a trick that some folks employ for specs which is:
# clj only
(create-ns 'my-test.namespace)
(alias 'mn 'my-test.namespace)
(s/def ::mn/test-spec string?)
It decouples spec aliasing from files. <- yep saw that and voted, I hope one day it will get implemented
I have one more question, whats different between #(println %) VS (fn [x] (println x)) 🙂
@puremonad you can stick a name into fn, so when things blowup inside it, you'll find it faster.
(map #(/ % 0) [1 2])
java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero
at user$eval22300$fn__22301.invoke(form-init7112164857516660938.clj:1)
(map (fn foo [x] (/ x 0)) [1 2])
java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero
at user$eval22315$foo__22316.invoke(form-init7112164857516660938.clj:1)
@puremonad If you evaluate
'#(println %)
you can force the wizard out from behind the curtain
(fn* [p1__624#] (println p1__624#))
@its.ramzi what is the shape of that data?
@its.ramzi Do you have an example of a Hiccup table value?
@its.ramzi i’ve used specter to successfully path into hiccup before
this is probably pretty obscure, but i can give an example:
@its.ramzi is this what you want?
(spr/select [(child-tag :table)
(child-tag :tr)
(spr/subselect (child-tag :td)
[:tr [:td "foo"] [:td "bar"]]
[:tr [:td "bam"] [:td "boom"]]]])
=> [["foo" "bar"] ["bam" "boom"]]
@its.ramzi You're probably not wanting to be doing what you're doing though. To render your table, you should be pulling the data for the table out of some state management thing (like an atom) somewhere. Like, you could be using a vector in there somewhere, which you then use to populate your hiccup table with. In the event that you want to also put that data somewhere else, you don't want to pull that data out of the hiccup form. You want to pull it directly from the state management system (like, from an atom) instead.