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Anyone have a recommendation on how to get control of a [:form]
control? I’m working with Stripe’s checkout function which is embedded inside a form. I’ve tried gaining control with an on-submit
dispatch but I can’t seem to prevent the form’s submit action. Any tricks?
Is this a form you wrote, as opposed to something Stripe is providing to you?
You might need any or all of the following: call preventDefault
on the event; call stopPropagation
on the event, and/or return false
from the handler.
(by “event” I mean the JS event that gets passed to your handler.)
I was reading about that and looks like it’s strongly discouraged
That said I can’t seem to get an event handler to get control. On slecting the checkout button that stripe provides the form action is submitted.
The form it’s embedded in is my own form, though I’m not sure yet what javascript wizardry they do to perhaps prevent me (or re-frame) from gaining control.
[:form {:on-submit #(re-frame/dispatch [:create-order/checkout]) }
[:script {
:src ""
:class "stripe-button"
:data-key "<key>"
:data-amount "2000"
:data-name "Demo Site"
:data-description "2 widgets ($20.00)"
:data-image ""}]]
Ok, I’d recommend
:on-submit (fn [e] (.preventDefault e) (re-frame/dispatch [:create-order/checkout]))...
if you haven’t already tried that.It’s possible they’re hard-wiring an on-click handler into their submit button
Hard to tell… I’ve tried pulling in the Stripe React components but with no luck Uncaught TypeError: _assign is not a function
at validateFormat (
(anonymous) @
validateFormat @
(anonymous) @ Uncaught ReferenceError: ReactDOM is not defined
at Object.module.exports (
at __webpack_require__ (
at Object.module.exports (
at __webpack_require__ (
at Object.defineProperty.value (
at __webpack_require__ (
at Object.defineProperty.value (
at __webpack_require__ (
at Object.<anonymous> (
Gives me some nasty-grams in the console.My lunch hour is about over, might have to tinker later. This demo shows success with these strip react components but is there something I need to do differently in re-frame to rope in native react components?
beginner here. I keep getting the errors
re-frame: no handler registered for effect: :event . Ignoring.
re-frame: no handler registered for effect: :loading . Ignoring.
re-frame: no handler registered for effect: :solutions . Ignoring.
# part of active-page handler
(case page
;; -- URL @ "/" --------------------------------------------------------
:home {:db set-page
:set-history page}
;; -- URL @ "/about" -----------------------
:about {:db set-page
:set-history page}
:solutions {:db (assoc db :active-page :solutions)
:dispatch [:get-solutions]})
(fn [{:keys [db]}]
{:http-xhrio {:method :get
:uri (endpoint "solutions")
:response-format (json-response-format {:keywords? true})
:on-success [:get-solutions-success]
:on-failure [:api-request-error :get-solutions]}
:db (assoc-in db [:loading :solutions] true)}))
(fn [db [_ solutions]]
(-> db
(assoc-in [:loading :solutions] false)
(assoc :solutions solutions))))
in a view which is making an ajax call on load. I also have the subscriptions set up correctly as far as I can tell.nvm I had the http handler as a reg-event-fx instead of reg-event-db