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I'm unable to render correctly a table 8x8 in reagent; It says that "Warning: Every element in a seq should have a unique 🔑 ([:tr ([:td "7-0"] [:td "7-1"]..." but in my code I do assign a unique key to everyone: `(defn board [] [:table.board [:tbody (for [i (range 8)] ^{key (str "tr_" (- 7 i))} [:tr (for [j (range 8)] ^{:key (str "td_" i "_" j)} [:td (str (- 7 i) "-" j)])])]])`
try instead of attaching metadata, to pass key as prop
you need a key whenever a sequence is used
so for every for, map etc
specifically your :tr and and :td.
[:tr {:key i} "...."]
enjoy. :thumbsup:
just got this compilation error with 1.9.93 , not present with 1.9.76:
No such var: string/index-of, compiling:(cljs/source_map.clj:260:54)
Ah, just seeing that 93 isn't an actual release as per the Github Readme
@martinklepsch: what version of clojure are you using?
I think @darwin was also experiencing something similar. You may need to use clojure 1.8.0+
@rohit: good catch, project lacked pinning of clojure version 🙂
Neat, Closure docs got a facelift
@martinklepsch: I find it harder to use this way personally 😞