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i want a recursive function that matches if map has a structure or another, like: {:a 1 :d 2 :c 3} do something, {:z […]} do another
@fenak maybe use contains?
or select-keys
and then destructure?
Hmm... If I want to capture the A
and foo
of A_{foo}
, or A
and b
of A_b
, what sort of regex is gonna get it? I'm thinking about #"(\w)_(\S|{.*})"
, but I think that'll get the {}
s too, and probably be excessively greedy. Ideas?
will this do? #"(\w)_(\S?)|{(.*)}”
Dear all - rand seems skewed to the top-end; is this known? Why?
(->> (repeatedly 10000 #(rand 10e10))
(group-by #(Math/floor (Math/log10 %)))
(map (fn [[k v]] [k (count v)])))
=> ([10.0 8982] [9.0 904] [7.0 11] [8.0 101] [6.0 2])
or more concisely:
#(-> 10e10 rand Math/log10 int)
(repeatedly 10000)
(sort) (reverse))
=> ([10 8980] [9 935] [8 74] [7 9] [6 2])
@chingfan_newbie: probably more like this (\w)_([^{}]?)|{(.*)}
@onetom: it’s just using Math.random which is presumably pretty battle tested?
In the docs for Math.random() it says "Math.random() does not provide cryptographically secure random numbers. Do not use them for anything related to security. Use the Web Crypto API instead, and more precisely the window.crypto.getRandomValues() method."
@smnplk: right, just got vague about the meaning of \S
We have a lot of weird diffs because of indentation. What do you guys do? Do you have a hook of some kind that formats code before it’s pushed?
You should set proper conventions, but otherwise you can setup git conf to make this less of a problem
@danielcompton: thx. actually there is nothing wrong with the results if i do a bit more repetitions.
trying to wrap my head around clojure.spec ... what is the recommended way of doing input/output validations at program boundaries? I used schema coercers for that and it was quite handy. I'm not quite sure how to rewrite that in conformers. Suppose there is (not so reasonable) json input. What I do now is to covert it into similar edn structure - replacing strings with keywords (adjusted for clojure conventions), parsed numerical values, dates and other. Or am I supposed to just read the json, convert it and than validate the resulting edn?
Question ammend: everything in those json inputs are strings and it needs to be converted to something reasonable. Things like "jsonKey" can be converted into :json-key but I fail to see what to do with things like "1.0-2.5" which are current coerced via prismatic/schema into [1.0M 2.5M]. Hand parsing all of that is awful and it was the main reason why I used schema at all. Or should I keep the input coercer in schema and dual spec the result? Thanks for hints 😉
I'm getting different results by successively applying macroexpand-1
than by macroexpand
. How is that possible?
jindrichm: see
@katox: "Note neither macroexpand-1 nor macroexpand expand macros in subforms." So there should be no difference, right?
jindrichm: maybe I don't get the question, macroexpand calls macroexpand-1, the source is very short
@katox: Exactly. I checked the source of macroexpand
and found no reason how its output can differ from successive applications of macroexpand-1
. That's why I asked the question.
jindrichm: I see. Macroexpand itself does what I'd call "successive aplying". No idea about the culprit in your code.
I think macroexpand just tries to find a fixpoint for macroexpand-1; I assume that’s how its implemented, but that’s my mental model
doubt on reader macros: I have a tag #foo/bar
related to function other.ns/bar
inside a library. what’s the best way to ensure that when I call #foo/bar x
, the function other.ns/bar
is resolved?
@caio There's usually no need to use reader literals in Clojure code. Calling functions is much more predictable. Reader macros are useful primarily in EDN (data-only) files.
@stuartsierra: I agree, but it’s a large codebase (and a large number of codebases) that uses lots of reader literals. we just noticed there was a problem when I changed the require order in a namespace
That's just a problem with reader literals. The correct namespace has to be loaded before the symbol is resolved.
@chingfan_newbie: That's pretty good, but the |
being outside of a paren will alternate the whole expression. Either need to duplicate the whole expression or put a paren around something. Probably duplicate the missing start. Thanks!
Is there a way to have spec give me all the ways the input doesn't conform? Both the structure and uniqueness ones?
or is there a way to use s/def
and s/keys
to add a constraint based on a second non-global value so it can all go under ::user
@xeqi the explain
, explain-data
, explain-str
functions will give you broader results for the failures
conform/valid? take faster paths and aren’t exhaustive whereas explain* are assumed to be used in error paths and thus do more exhaustive reporting
@xeqi you can use s/and
to combine the s/keys
with other arbitrary constraint under ::user
@alexmiller: validate is a local function that calls explain-data. Could have been named differently to avoid confusion, sorry
ah, sorry I meant valid?
the predicate you’re using that makes use of a stateful value is imo a bad spec
specs are about structural validation, not semantic validation with stateful resources
to me, that’s a different kind of validation that should be handled separately
as for the use case, sorry to ask again, but is json->edn coercion outside of spec scope? not parsing json, but transforming parsed json into something more clojure-y as well as verifying the final structure
coercion is not in scope
you can certainly leverage the results of conform plus conformers to do some transformation things (and even do them in reverse with unform
) but I don’t think that full json->edn is in the scope of intent
which isn’t to say you couldn’t do it :)
schema does that reasonably well, probably better than hand-written custom transformations
I could do something like enabling auto transforms in json-read (keywordization, bigdec), then converting based on those keywords using conformers but it seems rather hairy
the new map-of (in next alpha) will exhaustively conform and optionally conform keys so can do things like keywordization
(def r (range 1000))
(dotimes [_ 3]
(dotimes [_ 10000]
(into [] (map identity) r))))
"Elapsed time: 171.367885 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 184.365581 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 174.879711 msecs"
=> nil
(dotimes [_ 3]
(dotimes [_ 10000]
(mapv identity r))))
"Elapsed time: 136.176447 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 136.038665 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 142.09917 msecs"
=> nil
I assumed that mapv
and into [] xf
would be the same speed, but mapv
is faster. I’m not quite sure why this is?There is probably some overhead when map creates a lazy sequence and then converts it into a vector, whereas mapv goes directly to a vector
I’m using a transducer though, so it should be going directly to a vector as well?