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my problem above (ANALYSIS ERROR) was caused by :global-vars {*print-length* 50}
, which is a general cause of grief anyway. I've replaced it by a proper :repl-options
clause, now things work fine.
What's the current entry-point to self-hosted ClojureScript? I.e., what do I need to set up to get eval
in ClojureScript?
@stuartsierra look at my replumb for having something easy or cljs.js namespace in ClojureScript for the innards
@stuartsierra: it depends on how much stuff you want to do. If you just need eval cljs.js
should suffice
if you need to be able to load code things get more complicated but still cljs.js
has hooks for that
@stuartsierra: a good place to start are few self host tests we have in the repo
Thanks @dnolen & @richiardiandrea. I want to play around with editing & reloading CLJS code in a browser, like jsfiddle. is not responding at the moment.
Currently fixing up the figwheel nREPL docs. Things have all come together and seem to be working now. Just in time for the switch to Socket REPL.
@stuartsierra: hosts Joel Martin's self-hosted REPL (based on cljs.js
@mfikes: thanks
@julia: I did with both, but maybe better to ask in channels like #C06DT2YSY or #C0620C0C8
Huh. Could someone provide some insight into using set!/..? I’m trying to do the CLJS equivalent of = “none”’;
(set! (.. element -style -display) "none”)
I’ve relied on Clojars for many, many years now myself and throwing a few bucks a month their way isn’t asking much
New figwheel nREPL documentation. If you are using figwheel and nREPL, please give this a read/try/edit.
So, the scala.js community is working on a new website that's meant to be accessible to javascript developers. It will be officially announced Monday: The clojurescript ecosystem is much more mature, but as @nullptr noted in his talk, TTFX (time to first xml) is 1. Is there already a discussion around introducing cljs to non-clojurians? I'd like to get caught up.
@stewsquared: just want to point out that @shaunlebron and @chrisoakman have done a bunch of work in this area
Time to first XML? The only time I've ever seen XML in Clojure is when I had to deal with Java logging, but that's not something that would happen if you do only Clojurescript.
@jaen: Derek was refering to the fact the the first google result for "clojurescript" includes maven build info. More generally he was making a point the cljs docs target clojurescript users.
Okay, I guess that's a fair point, XML is probably a big turn-off for many people, even more so than all those silly parentheses and Clojurescript target audience is certainly more the usual Java -> Clojure dev than something else. That said I only ever used Java when university forced me to (and only after I had to re-take the course for third time to not get expelled) and I didn't really feel quite enough evil Java vibes from it (that is Clojure(script)) to scare me off.
using lein-doo / karma, is there a way to find out which browser is running tests, without doing standard sniffing?
I’d like for karma / doo to just tell me, ‘you’re currently testing in chrome’ or whatever
removing the last line keeps the prompt to cljs.user
I mean removing (run-at-time "1 sec" nil #'cider-repl-set-ns (cider-current-ns))
the rest is super smooth 😄
the new doc is better 😉
by the way before I did not have any sidecar
in the dev deps and it was working fine, now I am trying to remove it and see what happens
@bhauman: yes I confirm that here this works:
{:dev {:dependencies [[com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.1"]
[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.11"]]
:plugins [[lein-doo "0.1.6-SNAPSHOT"]
[lein-figwheel "0.5.0-1" :exclusions [cider/cider-nrepl]]]
:repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [cemerick.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl]}
:figwheel {:nrepl-port 5088
:css-dirs ["resources/public/styles/css/"]
;; Load CIDER, refactor-nrepl and piggieback middleware
:nrepl-middleware ["cider.nrepl/cider-middleware"
(no sidecar)
hey has anyone used core.async + atoms in IE11? It seems IE11 has a scoping issue where it doesn’t have access to the atom when I call reset inside the go block.
;; this fails only in IE11
(let [status (<! (bank-create-link chan))]
(reset! cached-accounts status)))
;; this works in all browsers
(let [really-ie?-really?-wtf #(reset! cached-accounts %)]
(let [status (<! (bank-create-link chan))]
(really-ie?-really?-wtf status))))
@puppybits: hrm seems strange, I would file an issue - not sure who will have time to get to it - so a patch is even better