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I’d like to perform in some nonintrusive way, such that log/info(:data data)
will make the data to be formatted by default.
(with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint {:x 1 :y -1}))
;; => "{:x 1, :y -1}\n"
It’s more like I am going to switch the internal print function of to pprint.
I grabbed that from here
it looks like clojure uses that same method internally as well
is there any smart way of not adding a map key if the value is nil ? I'm parsing an XML with riveted and I have things like:
(defn entity-relation-keymap->map
[^Navigator e]
{:field-name (vtd/attr e :field-name)
:rel-field-name (vtd/attr e :rel-field-name)})
is very often nil
so I would like to NOT add it in the first place.
Is there something like (when-let [elem ] add elem to map ?
I'm thinking something like reader conditional / macro ?!
Right now I use, which works - but maybe I can avoid adding them in the first place ?!
(defn clean-nils [m]
(into {} (filter (comp some? val) m)))
If it's just a few predefined keys, I'd use let
+ cond->
+ assoc
(let [b (get-b)]
(cond-> {:a (get-a)}
b (assoc :b b))) also has filter-vals
, but I'd use that library only if you already depend on it.