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Can someone help me understand why vary-meta
does not throw an Unable to resolve symbol
error when deftest
is called? This is from the clojure.test
(defmacro deftest
"[docstring omitted for brevity]"
{:added "1.1"}
[name & body]
(when *load-tests*
`(def ~(vary-meta name assoc :test `(fn [] ~@body))
(fn [] (test-var (var ~name))))))
I would expect the symbol bound to name
here to be unbound at the point vary-meta
is called. But this seems to work just fine:
(deftest asdfasdf (is true true))
I think I’ve figured it out and learnt something new about Clojure in the process.
Here vary-meta
is applied to the symbol bound to name
directly, so there are no vars involved yet. It appears that when def
is called, it checks the symbol passed as name
for any metadata first and forwards it on to the var it creates. So the test is first passed as metadata to the symbol bound to name
at macro expansion time, then passed on to the var at runtime when def
creates it.
@U02HVHE2APL Sort of. The macro expands to:
(def ^{:test (fn [] (is true true)} asdfasdf)
The ~(vary-meta ...)
is evaluated at compile-time to produce a symbol with metadata attached. It's as if you ran (vary-meta 'asdfasdf ...)
(because name
is bound to the symbol asdfasdf
).Figuring out macros can be a bit "Inception" at times but you have to remember that they are evaluated at "compile-time" -- so they run before the expanded result is evaluated (i.e., "runtime"). That means they can run any code but it runs on symbols and structures -- code -- not on values (which only exist at runtime).
Hope that helps?
Yep, thanks. I think the understanding I arrived at was more or less what you described, maybe I could have worded it better.
I think the core of my confusion wasn’t the way macro expansion works, but that symbols can have metadata and that def
forwards any metadata from the symbol to the new var. I was squinting really hard to try see where the var vary-meta
is operating on could have come from, when the obvious answer after macro expansion was that it’s operating on the symbol.
In fact, the way metadata reader macros work makes a lot more sense now too.
Some of the interactions between syntax and code can be hard to connect around macros at first. It's kinda why the "first rule of macro club is: don't use macros" 🙂
Just realized you can extend the CollReduce
protocol to CompletionStage
then use transducers on them :shocked_face_with_exploding_head:
@U0P0TMEFJ if you can figure out how to correctly implement fold over Completion Stages let me know. I probably missed something there
Sorry .. just making us tea ... Got code you can share and a specific problem? How far have you got?
the thing about doing it as a fold instead of a map is just fold expects to be combining 2 things
Let's put aside the question of executor for a second and focus on correctness. Does it make sense to "fold" over a functor? Even if the fold function is (fn [_ x] x)
Not any functor, no. For example functions from Y to X are a functor (over X). Mapping is just composition, but to "fold", you'd have to enumerate values of Y (which might not be possible).
Also, if you think about types, a map (fmap) would turn a CompletionStage<A>
into a CompletionStage<B>
, but a reduce (fold) would turn a CompletionStage<A>
into a B
. You can't do something like sum a CompletionStage<Int>
and get an Int
, you'd get a CompletionStage<Int>
, right?
(However you totally can sum a List<Int>
into an Int
or a HashMap<Key,Int>
into an Int
of course Clojure won't care if you just
(extend-protocol CollReduce
([coll f] coll)
([coll f val] (.thenApply coll #(f val %)))
that'd be the correct coll-reduce
implementation for a container of size 1, but with an added CollReduce
wrapper around the result
this is also the part where you kinda see how inconsistent Clojure's arity-2 reduce is:
• for size 0, use (f)
• for size 1, don't use f
at all
• for size >1, use (f x y)
so what's the cool code you can write once you have this CollReduce implementation defined?
No idea yet. It might let you smoothly transition from between box types, eg list of completion stages to list of results
@US1LTFF6D here are the experiments which prompted this question to begin with
(import 'java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture)
(import 'java.util.function.Function)
(require 'clojure.core.protocols)
(defn then
([^CompletableFuture cf f]
(.thenApply cf (reify Function (apply [_ x] (f x)))))
([^CompletableFuture cf f v]
(.thenApply cf (reify Function (apply [_ x] (f v x))))))
(.get (then (CompletableFuture/completedFuture 1) inc))
;; => 2
(extend-protocol clojure.core.protocols/CollReduce
([cf f val] (then cf f val))))
(defn step
([] nil)
([^CompletableFuture x] (.get x))
([_ x] x))
(map inc)
(map #(* % %)))
(CompletableFuture/completedFuture 1))
;; => 4
I think if step
was configured to always wrap in a new CF then it would solve the executor issue, would need to use thenCompose
Check this out
(import 'java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture)
(import 'java.util.function.Function)
(import 'java.util.concurrent.Executor)
(require 'clojure.core.protocols)
(defn then
([^CompletableFuture cf f]
(.thenApplyAsync cf (reify Function (apply [_ x] (f x)))))
([^CompletableFuture cf f ^Executor ex]
(.thenApplyAsync cf (reify Function (apply [_ x] (f nil x))) ex)))
(.get (then (CompletableFuture/completedFuture 1) inc))
;; => 2
(extend-protocol clojure.core.protocols/CollReduce
([cf f val] (then cf f val))))
(defn step
([] (java.util.concurrent.Executors/newFixedThreadPool 4))
([^CompletableFuture x] (.get x))
([_ex x] x))
(defn sleepy [x] (println (Thread/currentThread) x) (Thread/sleep 1000) x)
(map sleepy)
(map inc)
(map sleepy)
(map #(* % %)))
(CompletableFuture/completedFuture 1))
;; => 4
Interesting, even this works (returns nil, only prints once):
(map sleepy)
(map inc)
(filter odd?)
(map sleepy)
(map #(* % %)))
(CompletableFuture/completedFuture 1))
Is there a Clojure macro equivalent to Scheme's and-let*
I saw someone posted something similar in the for when-let
, but according to the comment it doesn't return early on first logical false.
cannot return early because there's no "early" - it accepts just a single binding.
Without writing your own macro, I guess the alternative is just using nested when
and when-let
if the multiple bindings are just passed to each other there are some->
and some->>
that shirt circuit the thread when value is absent
@U2FRKM4TW Sorry, by "posted something similar" I meant someone posted a macro in the when-let docs that was similar to and-let*
, but didn't do early return:
@U076FM90B @UGFL22X0Q Thanks for suggesting some->
, it gets very close but I do need previous bindings available throughout subsequent expressions. Good to know about it though!
D'oh. I skipped over an implementation in that very same clojuredocs link that does perform early return 😂
My apologies!
(defmacro if-let*
"Like clojure.core/if-let except supports multiple bindings."
([bindings then]
`(if-let* ~bindings ~then nil))
([bindings then else]
(if (seq bindings)
`(if-let [~@(take 2 bindings)]
(if-let* [~@(drop 2 bindings)] ~then ~else)
(defmacro if-some*
"Like clojure.core/if-some except supports multiple bindings."
([bindings then]
`(if-some* ~bindings ~then nil))
([bindings then else]
(if (seq bindings)
`(if-some [~@(take 2 bindings)]
(if-some* [~@(drop 2 bindings)] ~then ~else)
(defmacro when-let*
"Like clojure.core/when-let except supports multiple bindings."
[bindings & body]
`(if-let* ~bindings (do ~@body)))
(defmacro when-some*
"Like clojure.core/when-some except supports multiple bindings."
[bindings & body]
`(if-some* ~bindings (do ~@body)))