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Does this work by design or by accident?
I came across it over here:
(while implementing a new linter for clj-kondo...)(`clojure.core/IllegalArgumentException` does not resolve to the class, but the constructor does, it seems)
the namespace segment is just ignored (but because of impl details, it must also exist 🙃 )
I know there are some weird corners in the symbol resolution, was just in that code recently, jira welcome
Has anybody ever encountered issues using aliased keywords in .cljc files when both the alias and the alias keyword are inside of reader conditionals for one platform (say :clj
) but you're compiling for another platform (say :cljs
For example
(ns main
(:require #?(:clj [ :as io])))
#?(:clj (defn io-world [] ::io/world)))
results in an invalid keyword error when compiling cljs.I would have expected because the namespaced keyword is restricted to clojure it wouldn't modify cljs compilation.
Same with comment
At least, in this case you can just use a fully qualified keyword.
I'm just surprised things have to be readable for platforms they don't apply to. I guess I had expected the reader would just skip over sections for other platforms.
yeah its a bit weird but to skip something it has to be read and discarded. to be structurally one form it has to be read. I think the autoresolve of keywords should be inhibited of branches not taken but that's not the case. I think there are some tickets about this kind of problem
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> #_(::invalid/discard)
Syntax error reading source at (REPL:1:21).
I’m making a formdata post request like so:
using http-xhrio in a re-frame handler
{:http-xhrio (http-post "/api/upload-shot-video" {:video body}
where http-post is the following:
(defn http-post [uri params on-success on-failure]
{:method :post
:uri (str "" uri)
:params params
:on-success on-success
:on-failure on-failure
:response-format (edn/edn-response-format)
:format (edn/edn-request-format)
However, I’m getting the following error on the server:
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Malformed application/edn request. {:type :muuntaja/decode, :default-format "application/json", :format "application/edn", :charset "utf-8", :request {:reitit.core/match #reitit.core.Match{:template "/api/upload-shot-video", :data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :result #reitit.ring.Methods{:get #reitit.ring.Endpoint{:data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :handler #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats/fn--9418], :path "/api/upload-shot-video", :method :get, :middleware [#reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats], :spec nil} #reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params], :spec nil}]}, :head #reitit.ring.Endpoint{:data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :handler #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats/fn--9418], :path "/api/upload-shot-video", :method :head, :middleware [#reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats], :spec nil} #reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params], :spec nil}]}, :post #reitit.ring.Endpoint{:data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :handler #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats/fn--9418], :path "/api/upload-shot-video", :method :post, :middleware [#reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats], :spec nil} #reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params], :spec nil}]}, :put #reitit.ring.Endpoint{:data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :handler #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats/fn--9418], :path "/api/upload-shot-video", :method :put, :middleware [#reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats], :spec nil} #reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params], :spec nil}]}, :delete #reitit.ring.Endpoint{:data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :handler #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats/fn--9418], :path "/api/upload-shot-video", :method :delete, :middleware [#reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats], :spec nil} #reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params], :spec nil}]}, :connect #reitit.ring.Endpoint{:data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :handler #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats/fn--9418], :path "/api/upload-shot-video", :method :connect, :middleware [#reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats], :spec nil} #reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params], :spec nil}]}, :options #reitit.ring.Endpoint{:data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :handler #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats/fn--9418], :path "/api/upload-shot-video", :method :options, :middleware [#reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats], :spec nil} #reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params], :spec nil}]}, :trace #reitit.ring.Endpoint{:data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :handler #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats/fn--9418], :path "/api/upload-shot-video", :method :trace, :middleware [#reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats], :spec nil} #reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params], :spec nil}]}, :patch #reitit.ring.Endpoint{:data {:middleware [#function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats] #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params]], :handler #function[humboiserver.routes.home/upload-shot-video]}, :handler #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats/fn--9418], :path "/api/upload-shot-video", :method :patch, :middleware [#reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[humboiserver.middleware/wrap-formats], :spec nil} #reitit.middleware.Middleware{:name nil, :wrap #function[ring.middleware.multipart-params/wrap-multipart-params], :spec nil}]}}, :path-params {}, :path "/api/upload-shot-video"}, :reitit.core/router #object[reitit.core$lookup_router$reify__11769 0x6741233b "reitit.core$lookup_router$reify__11769@6741233b"], :aleph/request-arrived 150075890045367, :aleph/keep-alive? true, :cookies {}, :remote-addr "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", :params {}, :flash nil, :headers {"host" "", "user-agent" "Humboi/1 CFNetwork/1206 Darwin/20.1.0", "content-type" "application/edn", "content-length" "42", "accept" "application/edn", "accept-language" "en-us", "x-forwarded-for" "", "accept-encoding" "gzip, deflate"}, :server-port 3000, :form-params {}, :session/key nil, :query-params {}, :uri "/api/upload-shot-video", :server-name "localhost", :query-string nil, :path-params {}, :body #object[ 0x7f2c96a7 ""], :multipart-params {}, :scheme :http, :request-method :post, :session {}}}
at muuntaja.core$fail_on_request_decode_exception.invokeStatic(core.clj:132)
at muuntaja.core$fail_on_request_decode_exception.invoke(core.clj:126)
at muuntaja.core$create$_decode_request_body__8194.invoke(core.clj:424)
at muuntaja.core$create$reify__8216.negotiate_and_format_request(core.clj:491)
at muuntaja.middleware$wrap_format$fn__8285.invoke(middleware.clj:72)
at humboiserver.middleware$wrap_formats$fn__9418.invoke(middleware.clj:38)
at reitit.ring$ring_handler$fn__12248.invoke(ring.cljc:326)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(
at clojure.lang.AFunction$1.doInvoke(
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at ring.middleware.reload$wrap_reload$fn__4463.invoke(reload.clj:39)
at selmer.middleware$wrap_error_page$fn__4478.invoke(middleware.clj:18)
at prone.middleware$wrap_exceptions$fn__4719.invoke(middleware.clj:159)
at ring.middleware.flash$wrap_flash$fn__8523.invoke(flash.clj:39)
at ring.middleware.session$wrap_session$fn__8890.invoke(session.clj:108)
at ring.middleware.keyword_params$wrap_keyword_params$fn__8936.invoke(keyword_params.clj:53)
at ring.middleware.nested_params$wrap_nested_params$fn__8994.invoke(nested_params.clj:89)
at ring.middleware.multipart_params$wrap_multipart_params$fn__9126.invoke(multipart_params.clj:171)
at ring.middleware.params$wrap_params$fn__9150.invoke(params.clj:67)
at ring.middleware.cookies$wrap_cookies$fn__8841.invoke(cookies.clj:214)
at ring.middleware.absolute_redirects$wrap_absolute_redirects$fn__9338.invoke(absolute_redirects.clj:47)
at ring.middleware.resource$wrap_resource_prefer_resources$fn__9186.invoke(resource.clj:25)
at ring.middleware.content_type$wrap_content_type$fn__9286.invoke(content_type.clj:34)
at ring.middleware.default_charset$wrap_default_charset$fn__9310.invoke(default_charset.clj:31)
at ring.middleware.not_modified$wrap_not_modified$fn__9252.invoke(not_modified.clj:61)
at ring.middleware.x_headers$wrap_x_header$fn__8486.invoke(x_headers.clj:22)
at ring.middleware.x_headers$wrap_x_header$fn__8486.invoke(x_headers.clj:22)
at ring.middleware.x_headers$wrap_x_header$fn__8486.invoke(x_headers.clj:22)
at humboiserver.middleware$wrap_internal_error$fn__9412.invoke(middleware.clj:17)
at aleph.http.server$handle_request$fn__19409$f__14156__auto____19410.invoke(server.clj:158)
at io.aleph.dirigiste.Executor$Worker$
at manifold.executor$thread_factory$reify__14038$f__14039.invoke(executor.clj:44)
Caused by: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Malformed application/edn in :muuntaja/decode {:type :muuntaja/decode, :format "application/edn"}
at muuntaja.core$on_exception.invokeStatic(core.clj:284)
at muuntaja.core$on_exception.invoke(core.clj:267)
at clojure.core$partial$fn__5839.invoke(core.clj:2626)
at muuntaja.core$create_coder$decode__8144.invoke(core.clj:322)
at muuntaja.core$create$_decode_request_body__8194.invoke(core.clj:422)
... 34 more
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: No reader function for tag object
at clojure.lang.EdnReader$TaggedReader.readTagged(
at clojure.lang.EdnReader$TaggedReader.invoke(
at clojure.lang.EdnReader$DispatchReader.invoke(
at clojure.lang.EdnReader.readDelimitedList(
at clojure.lang.EdnReader$MapReader.invoke(
at clojure.edn$read.invokeStatic(edn.clj:35)
at clojure.edn$read.invoke(edn.clj:14)
at muuntaja.format.edn$decoder$reify__7763.decode(edn.clj:12)
at muuntaja.core$create_coder$decode__8144.invoke(core.clj:320)
... 35 more
How to fix this error?
Malformed application/edn
No reader function for tag object
. You're serializing something that shouldn't be serialized
I’m trying to upload a video to the server from its url in ios
Here’s more code:
(let [video {:uri (-> coeffects :db :shot-video-uri)}
body (js/FormData.)]
(.append body "video" video)
{:http-xhrio (http-post "/api/upload-shot-video" {:video body}
@jtkdvlp body is of type FormData
IIRC FormData
has to be the body itself - you cannot wrap it into an extra object like {:video ...}
@p-himik unfortunately I’m still getting the error after replacing {:video body} with body
Here is a little JS snippet that might interest you:
const form_entries = (new FormData($form)).entries();
const params = [...form_entries];
// params is a JS-array now
You don't want to convert it at all - you just have to send raw FormData
because the underlying platform (JavaScript) knows how to handle it.
Yes, it ends up being a CLJS question. Or even a cljs-ajax
Ah right, I assumed that the library used here strictly expects serializable data. Your other answer (changing to :body) explained it for me thanks
@p-himik removing format gives unrecognized request format nil
That shouldn't happen because the error is thrown only when :body
is nil.
Can you post here the full code that you have right now?
(fn [coeffects _]
(prn "uploading video")
(let [video {:uri (-> coeffects :db :shot-video-uri)}
body (js/FormData.)]
(.append body "video" video)
{:http-xhrio {:method :post
:uri (str "" "/api/upload-shot-video")
:params body
:on-success [:upload-success]
:on-failure [:upload-error]
:response-format (edn/edn-response-format)
;;:format (edn/edn-request-format)
#_(POST "/api/upload-shot-video"
{:body body
:response-format :json
:keywords? true
:handler #(dispatch [:upload-success %])
:error-handler #(dispatch [:upload-error %])})
but the params are empty in the server
Here’s the handler:
(defn upload-shot-video [req]
(prn "video is! " (-> req :params))
(r/response {:res "okay!"}))
and I’m getting:
"video is! " {:video ""}
I don't know what you're using on your server so I can't really help.
My assumption is that you have the content not in (:params req)
but some place else. Maybe (:body req)
- at least, that would be logical.
that’s right. there’s a stream at (-> req :body)
thanks a ton!
@p-himik while we’re at it, do you know how to convert an input stream to a file?
that can be saved to disk?
How to convert an inputstream to an outputstream?
I try the following:
( (-> req :body))
but get the following error:
No single method: make_output_stream of interface: found for function: make-output-stream of protocol: IOFactory
@ps I think the most straightforward thing is io/copy
to copy the input stream to the ouput
@ps actually, thinking more about this - what is the output-stream for?
an output-stream is something you can write to
@noisesmith to convert to a file on disk
how is copying an input stream to it meaningful?
that's different, and yeah, use io/file and io/copy
I have a video as an input stream on the server that I’m trying to load on aws as a file
that's not creating an output-stream to be clear
for that I’m saving it as a file. I thought to save as a file, it first needs to be converted to an outputstream
the file provides an output-stream
you write to that
@noisesmith I have the following now:
(with-open [o ( "./resources/public/video.mp4")]
(.write o (-> req :body))
but this gives:
$ scrot -s foo.png
$ clj
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (require '[ :as io])
user=> (io/copy (io/file "foo.png") (io/file "bar.png"))
$ cmp foo.png bar.png
$ echo $?
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method write found taking 1 args for class
all you need is io/file and io/copy
don't use the .write method
(if you don't understand shell, the above example copies a png file, and cmp verifies that byte for byte the copy is the same as the original)
in the example you are copying a file
I have an input stream
(doc )
([input output & opts])
Copies input to output. Returns nil or throws IOException.
Input may be an InputStream, Reader, File, byte[], char[], or String.
Output may be an OutputStream, Writer, or File.
Options are key/value pairs and may be one of
:buffer-size buffer size to use, default is 1024.
:encoding encoding to use if converting between
byte and char streams.
Does not close any streams except those it opens itself
(on a File).
right, the first arg can be an input stream
io/copy is smart enough to do the right thing
so (io/copy (:body req) (io/file "resources/public/video.mp4"))
also, be cautious about writing to resources/public, usually resources is where you want to put things that would go in a jar, and you can't write a file to it like that
thanks @noisesmith!
unfortunately the video is 0 bytes
it’s supposed to be more than 0 bytes
a problem I've frequently seen is some ring middleware consuming the request body before my code sees it
@noisesmith as far as I know, I’m using two: middleware/wrap-formats wrap-multipart-params
@ps wrap-multiplart-params already wants to put your upload in a file
(I have found this annoying in the past, eg. when I'm running on a cloud server, all I'd ever do with that file is write it back to the network for storage elsewhere, but everyone seems to accept that and just read the file back to upload... pointless use of disk)
> By default, uploads are stored in temporary files that are deleted an hour after being uploaded. This is handled by function.