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when destructuring via
(let [{:keys [a b c]} obj] ...)
is there a way to provide default values for a, b, c (ir they would otherwise be nil)yep: (let [{:keys [a b c] :or {a 1, b 2, c 3}} obj] ...)
there has been some confusion (and bugginess) re the :or map in the past - just remember that the keys are always the local symbols being created. I find that helps resolve most questions.
Realising this the other day resulted in me getting a recursive restructure to work. Felt epic.
list subtraction as a transducer:
(defn list-
(let [victims (volatile! targets)]
(fn ([rf]
([] (rf))
(rf result))
([result input]
(if (and (seq @victims)
(= input (first @victims)))
(do (vswap! victims rest)
(rf result input)))))))))
user=> (into [] (list- [1 2]) [1 1 2 3 4])
[1 3 4]
@alexmiller : nice, thanks! ( I searched for 'default' on that page, but only got:
(let [{category :category, :or {category "Category not found"}} client]
(println category))
which is less elegant than [:keys [category]} as in your example
good to know that :or also works with {:keys [...]}feel free to send a PR on the guide if you can make it better!
How much memory should the java process of the running repl take up in general on my personal computer I get this, but on my work mac it's a fraction of the memory cost
personal computer is using the Openjdk
@theeternalpulse It depends on a combination of things (including the default heap size on each platform) -- but most importantly, the JVM will happily use as much memory as it is "allowed" (by the system) and doesn't necessarily give it back to the system, just because it's done GC and isn't using as much.
This is pretty normal for JVM stuff. Is Clojure your first exposure to the JVM?
(where "allowed" is determined by a variety of factors)
Yeah, not since college or menial work tasks have I really been exposed or the least bit interested in the JVM.
Right now my REPL on a Mac is using just over 400MB, and I often have Java processes using 1-2GB locally. Our production Java processes run from a few GB up to 10-15GB.
and the repl adds that two java tasks in the loop which is different than I'm used to
That's Leiningen, not the REPL.
Leiningen starts a process for itself and then starts a new process with whatever configuration comes from project.clj
Boot uses a single JVM process. A bare Clojure REPL is a single JVM process.
interesting, I haven't used much of boot
We switched from Leiningen to Boot late 2016 and we've been very happy with that change.
It allows you to easily load new dependencies into a running REPL (with Leiningen, you have to restart your REPL), and you can easily extend Boot by writing new "tasks" as Clojure functions that compose into a "task pipeline".
ah, lot of references still in lein, but I guess it's easy enough to switch or support both.
Leiningen is the older build tool and therefore much more widely used, but I think Boot is gaining in popularity.
thanks for the clarification though
What I like about Boot is how easy it makes it to explore a new library in a REPL, outside a project: boot -d group/artifact repl
and it fetches the latest version of that library, adds it to the classpath, and starts a REPL so you can play with the library interactively.
that's pretty cool
(also, Boot supports both Leiningen templates and Boot templates for creating new projects -- you'll generally still get a Leiningen-based project from a Leiningen template tho'...)
There are channels for both #leiningen and #boot here if you want to dig deeper into either of them. Also #beginners is a good place to ask new-to-Clojure questions since a lot of helpful folks have opted into that channel to deal with all those early learning curve things!
@bendlas, @jcrossley3 thanks!
Hi guys. I am having a hard time creating a simple unit test using with-redefs for mocking on Windows. The test code, the function I'm about to test and the function to be mocked are all in different namespaces/files. I think I use with-redefs correctly, my unit test runs fine on Linux machines (docker container or virtual Ubuntu), but it just does not work when executing/developing them on my Windows machine: the with-redefs bindings are not applied and the test wants to make real e.g. http calls, which I'd like to mock. It is the same case if I run lein test, or try executing the test from a REPL through Eclipse CCW. Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks
I’ve had success using protocols and for mocking
Thanks @schmee, yes I've read that it does not work well with async, but did not expect to encounter such platform specific differences. I'll give clf-fakes a try
hi all, I have just joined the group, I am seeking some help in creating a project of app marketplace, which basically allow to add remote extensions to our current app
can anyone suggest me good guideline/ software architecture pattern for that
what’s the best way to try things out in clojure? I’ve been using lein and cider for years now but sometimes I just want to quickly play with something in a single clj file/buffer, without setting up a project.
@nooga I have a separate project for such things.
You can leave it open with REPL running most of the time and whenever you have something to try, you can quickly test it. You also have the convenience of Cider+Emacs and you can save your experiments (just in case you want to revisit them in the future).
I was inspired by Stuart Halloway's talk on Repl Driven Development:
thanks! @U06BE1L6T I’ve had similar scratch projects in the past but I usually forget about them and create new every time I want something so I thought that maybe there’s a more lightweight solution out there 😉
other than that I just have a bash alias clojure_repl
aliased to rlwrap java -jar /Users/jumar/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.8.0/clojure-1.8.0.jar
. But I almost never use it (mostly only if I try to make sure that leiningen is not interfering with the functionality I'm trying to test)
Boot lets you start a REPL with any dependencies you want, outside a project. Maybe that's worth looking at? (I'm a big fan of Boot, having switched from Leiningen at the end of last year!).
Thanks @U04V70XH6, can it be used with cider so that I get to edit my code in emacs and run it bit by bit instead of typing directly into the repl?
Hey guys. I would like to us migratus as a plugin with lein and postgres. I was going through the documentation provided and found the initial setup but I would like to use one DB config somewhere in settings and just pull it to project.clj. I am new to clj and I am not sure if its even possible. thx
@nooga you can use lein-try for testing a single lib, or use ~/.lein/profiles.clj with lein with-profile [PROFILE] repl
(re-matches #"^/product/(.*)$" url)
(let [product (second (re-matches #"^/product/(.*)$" url))] ;; regex repeated
(do-something-with-product product))
(re-matches #"^/category/(.*)$" url)
(let [product (second (re-matches #"^/category/(.*)$" url))] ;; regex repeated
(do-something-with-category category))
;; more of the same
This is repetitive and error prone. What's the best option if I don't want to repeat the regex for each branch here? I know I can use a nested if-let
, but that doesn't scale and isn't readable.
@pesterhazy one simple option: instead of doing the dispatch and handling in the same block, just do dispatch:
(re-matches #"^/product/(.*)$" url)
@ghadi but that doesn't give me access to the match groups
if you are seeking clarity and not being error-prone, consider separating the branching from the handling.
if your regexes are similar, you could even dispatch a multimethod with it:
@ghadi but I do need to match the regex twice If I understand correctly right?
IMHO go for clarity first. then if you need performance, set a budget. only change code iff you are over the budget.
i know you mean two per branch, but you're already matching regexes much more than twice
yeah something like a cond-let
really seems called for
i think you were hinting at wanting to use that in your original question, but I wanted to offer an alternative
(condp re-matches "/product/foo"
#"^/category/(.*)$" :>> #(->> [:category (second %)])
#"^/product/(.*)$" :>> #(->> [:product (second %)]))
;; => [:product "foo"]
@misha, that's an option I hadn't considered,thanks!
what is the best technique for consumer/producer pattern? I think about standard java concurrent collections and core.async. What pros and cons about these two? Are there other more good desicions?
java concurrent collections don't really do synchronization (unless you use queues). Java queues don't support callbacks or lightweight threads, and that's why core.async was created.
core.async simplifies many cases for more complex coordination between multiple queues (channels) operating in a coroutine / callback based setup that allows efficiently sharing a small pool of threads with a syntactic transformation that turns something that looks like normal procedural code to implicitly use callbacks (go blocks) plus a separate expandable thread pool for longer running / blocking tasks (async/thread)
you could do the same work with two thread pools and a bunch of queues and a whole lot of callbacks, but the result would not look nearly as nice (and would be error prone)
I can't seem to get current namespace auto-resolved keyword map syntax to work in clojure-1.9.0-alpha19 to work, is it not present in this version? Something as simple as #::{:foo :bar}
is getting me an unmatched delimiter error
Oh, I didn't think about that
I'm getting that too, thanks for the help!
Question about My First Transducer: I basically want to create a transducer that, if two consecutive maps in a collection have the same :type, that they be merged into one according to some merge-fn
but my reasoning for the actual merging is wrong I think, because i cannot use ‘pop’ and ‘conj’ to replace the last element in the ‘result’ var
@kah0ona wouldn’t [prev {:type ::none}]
make sense? because you wouldn’t want to accidentally merge a map with no type key to the keyword none right?
alternatively, you could store the type of the last thing, and not the map itself
but can this work at all? Specifically worried about the meat of the thing:
(-> result
pop ;; <-- !!! pop and conj are too specific functions that deal on collections.
;; What should I do to make this work?
(conj (merge-peak-with-first prior input)))
your caller should be managing the input as a series of things
your transducer can’t be the one to manage that at all
because the input could be a channel instead of a collection
or simply a set (which can’t be popped)
look at how distinct
is defined
a similar problem just a longer memory than you have, and a simpler substitution (output, no output)
yeah, distinct is probably the simplest one that has the individual moving pieces you need (sometimes not creating an output for a given input)
plus carrying its own state
adequacy is the standard I strive for 😄
when this transducer works, i’ll print it and make it a poster to hang in my bed room 😉
I have a hunch there’s a way to avoid needing to check for ::none as a type everywhere, but if that’s unavoidable you could also make a small helper something like (defn empty-state? [cp] (= ::none (:type @cp)))
or maybe you always want to bind outside the function, but it might be clearer with that
in fact, if you defined it in the let block on line 4, you could make it a no-arg function
Volatiles are faster than atoms but give up atomicity guarantees so should only be used with thread isolation
how would an example of "thread isolation" look like?i could be wrong, but doesn't that just mean that you shouldn't share volatiles between threads?
@U61HA86AG volatiles are all about multithreading. there is really no point of using a volatile if it isn't ever shared between threads.
@misha I wish thread isolation would be better explained in the documentation. The key point is that atoms are able to manage concurrent updates and volatiles are not. That means, if you make it possible for two threads to vswap!
the same volatile at the same time, update consistency will eventually break. To prevent this, updater threads must be synchronized by another mean (e.g locks).
So this is my understanding of thread isolation. It can be always in the same thread, or it can be multiple threads using synchronization to prevent concurrent updates.
for example go blocks are thread isolated, so it's safe to vswap!
the same volatile multiple times within a go block, even though updates might be run by different threads
ah, interesting. but in the case of a transducer, that volatile is private, so how could it ever be shared?
also sharing between threads without any concurrency guarantees (unless you use another mechanism) is what i meant by 'shouldn't share'
vars and volatiles differ significantly in usage and implementation. static vars are mutated via locks, dynamic vars use ThreadLocal, and both are generally used as top-level namespace items. volatiles are almost always used locally and have no means of update synchronization.
the transducer case is interesting. as you said, state is private (one could say encapsulated but it's kind of blasphemous in clojure spheres), and the transducer itself doesn't implement any synchronization mechanism because it's up to the transducing context to ensure sequentiality (it may involve multiple threads, e.g for core.async channels).
however, the question of why stateful transducers use volatile instead of bare unsynchronized variables is still pending
@U053XQP4S thank you for the explanation. I had a question on what happens when stateful transduser is used in parallel, or how could it be used. But I had (and still have) a hard time framing the question
that's the "problem" – I don't have one :). Was just trying to figure out why/when should I use volatiles, as those came up few messages above in a transducers context, and, as far as I read on the internet, – were actually introduced because of transducers
that's right, stateful transducers imply use of mutable state so there was a need for a lightweight mutable container
because it has memory visibility and performance implications that are not very clear
about parallelism, I can't really imagine a situation where a stateful transducer could be parallelizable
if so, why not use transient
? Is it because only basic collections can be transient, and anything a bit nested would be pain to use?
I think fold
, because I did not use pipeline
yet, don't know what that actually looks like
it's perfectly OK to use transients in stateful transducers, but you still need a mutable container
and fold
can't be used with stateful transducers, it has been made pretty clear in RH talks about transducers
there's this ticket, still
I need to watch it again then. Missing so much information when listening without actual question/use case
here especially
@kah0ona You nerd-sniped me with that problem. Here's my take on it:
why change the volatile into an atom?
Clojure 1.9.0-alpha20:!topic/clojure/IB2CaORBMnM
@alexmiller Is the new ##
reader macro extensible in any way? Or is it just intended for built-in symbolic values?
not extensible
Thanks. I figured as much, but just wanted to check.