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we often use pipeline-blocking
as an easy way to parallelise a whole heap of external requests, say running bigquery load jobs in p// or whatever. the default threadpool size of 8 is pretty low for that kind of task. is setting it to something like 100 a reasonable approach? or are we using the wrong tool for the job etc
I would be inclined to try and use pipeline-async where it runs tasks on an executor I control vs fiddling with the defaults on the global executor for core.async, but I dunno that it would matter much
@bfabry I like manifold over core.async because among other things it gives you that control over the thread pool.
Hey - I'm unfortunate enough to sit on a rather spotty Wifi connection and so some queries I issue against a cassandra cluster using alia time out on occasion and it's really preventing me from doing some more large-scale analysis work. I'm wondering if anyone here have some working examples / snippets and/or have tried to instruct alia to more aggressively retry fetches. I've looked at and while I get that these options need to be provided to alia/cluster (shown in , I haven't really figured out how to define a sensible retry-policy. Anyone used this ? Anyone managed to get a reliable retry mechanism going ?
@pseud You can pass either kw that are mentioned in the codox for alia/cluster retry-policy, or a retrypolicy instance (from java-driver directly), in that case you need to refer to the docs of the driver
(on vacation, on the beach, super slow 3g cnx, difficult to provide more help from here for now sorry)
Hi everybody !
I'd like to clean my ns
declarations, so I tried eastwood and slamhound on my project but both of them seems to struggle with namespaced keywords aliases (they either fail or report false positives). My project contains a lot of clojure.spec declarations, which means namespaced keywords everywhere. Is there a better alternative ?
There is a good explanation about differences/use of binding
, with-bindings
, with-redefs-fn
, with-redefs
the macro version of the function (in both cases) takes a vector of symbols to value, the function version takes a map of vars to value
you'd use the function version if you need to bind/redef a var dynamically (e.g. you only have the var object at runtime)
as per the difference between binding and redeffing, binding shadows the root value on a thread context, meaning that all other threads will see the original value and just the current thread will see the new one, while executing code in the same dynamic scope as the binding
redeffing changes athe root binding of a var while executing the body, all threads will see that change so it's really only used for testing, not production
I've never hit this situation before, curious if anyone has. Trying to test a java file from a clojure repl, is there anyway to compile the java file and see the changes in clojure without restarting the repl?
hard for me to google, as all the results I've seen have been for how clojure gets compiled
Anyone with experience in Clojure ↔️ Apache Spark integration? I am divided between Sparkling and Powderkeg. Would be very helpful to hear from other people's experience.
@rinaldi i think mastodon-c and @otfrom might be able to help you there
they hang out in #clojure-uk @rinaldi
@mccraigmccraig Thank you.
is there a built in fn that takes a list of maps and creates a map of those maps where the key is a certain unique key from each map
so if i have a list of maps that each have uuid keys, i want to make a map of those maps keyed by uuid
should be simple to write my own fn, but seems like something there might be a built-in for
right, it’s easy to fix that in post-processing - especially if you know they will be distinct
ill just go with
(defn group-by-unique-key [key coll]
(into {} (map #(vector (get % key) %) coll)))
you can replacethat function with (juxt key identity)
if the keys are keywords, (juxt #(% key) identity)
if not
also style wise it’s good not to shadow clojure.core functions with locals
meh, shadow away I say (as long as the scope is clear)
I find it slows my reading- needing to double check when I recognize names from clojure.core, but yeah it’s not a correctness thing it’s just an opinionated style suggestion
it's not that bad to write one yourself:
(defn filter-map [pred mp]
(into {}
(filter pred)
(filter-map (fn [[k v]] (pos? v)) {...})
yeah, this is where transducers are great
@tbaldridge fair point, I was just wondering if it was in core
i try not to ever shadow because if i rename a parameter i may not get all instances but the code won't break at compile but at runtime
transducers are the thing that core provides - since you might want some arbitrary series of filters and mappings in between
it's a fairly rare function, most of the time you need to filter vectors or perhaps sets. Or just let the extra values flow through.
oh I just discovered rename-keys
; I didn’t explain my problem but it actually turns out to be an even easier solution
I should really take the time to read the list of functions available in core, set, etc
who among us hasn't implemented half of clojure.core before realizing there was a function for that?
Question: is there a shortcut for an anonymous function which returns a value without calling a function? e.g. (map #(identity [1 %]) [1 2 3])
@sundarj ah good point, thanks! is one more idiomatic than the other in this scenario?
not sure, i think it's down to preference. personally, i would say the order of clarity goes: identity
, do
, ->
Actually, my use-case is to build a map from a list of keys, by applying a function to every key. Is there a core function for that?
the one I use the most is (fn [[x]] x)
or (fn [[_ x]] x)
@hmaurer zipmap
(zipmap ks (map f ks))
@tbaldridge thanks!
yesterday, I found an elegant way to filter a vector of maps, such that I was guaranteed each map contained at minimum a certain set of keys … anyone want to suggest a solution? 🙂 assuming the keys are keywords.
That's the cleanest way. There are faster, less-simpler approaches though.
(fn [acc k]
(assoc! acc k (f k)))
(transient {})
is probably one of the fastestshouldn’t that be equivalent to
(into {}
(map (juxt identity f))
or is using persistent and transient directly helping there?
oh right assoc! is faster, I benchmarked this before but forgot
@hagmonk my shot:
(defn my-filter
[ms min-set-of-keys]
(filter #(subset? min-set-of-keys (set (keys %))) ms))
if anyone is using Cursive, I think there's some menu where I can add macros that are defn-like so that cursive knows how to format
where would that be
@hmaurer that's where I initially went, clojure.set ... but then remembered keywords are functions ...
@roklenarcic you can hover over the form and a little lightbulb icon appears, which lets you add more to that set. Aside from that just search for "clojure" in the settings pane and it should be quick to find
there's probably some gymnastics you could do with juxt
or composing another function for every-pred that solved the strict case
@hmaurer this almost looks like a contains?
function where you can pass in more than one key
(defn multi-contains? [m & args] (every? true? (map #(contains? m %) args)))
which lets you do (filter #(multi-contains? % :a :b) [{:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} {:a 1 :b 2} {:a 1 :c 3}])
@gdeer81 what about (every? #(contains? m %) args)
@matthewdaniel map is lazy, it does nothing if you don’t consume its result
you can replace it with run!
that’s missing the subjects
arg, but yeah
it’s one of the most common early clojure problems
oh, in the second case sure, I was talking about line 7
the function on line 11 should be fine as long as its return value is consumed
there are some guides on clojure's laziness but to a new clojure developer that means nothing so it won't click that you shouldn't use map with side effecting functions. @stuartsierra wrote the best blog post about this
who among us doesn't have a story about trying to process a giant excel spreadsheet and put every row into a database just to realize there are no rows in the database because you made a rookie mistake?
so you make the code realize the intermediate results from slurping the excel data but your process to put all that data into the database is also lazy
@noisesmith this is what I end up with. I did not do a topo sort, since (I think) I will need to be able to add states to compiled machine one at a time, w/o recalculating all of it.
(there was a bit more readable version with assoc-in
s and update-in
s, but it was like ~20% slower)
I’d do optimization for readability and optimization for performance as separate steps, and when in doubt do readability first
it’s easier to make readable and correct code fast than it is to make fast and correct code readable
yeah, I made it readable (at least for me right now :) ), and then tried to make it a bit faster with not too much added ugliness
on the other hand, not sure if that 1µs worth it when function is used just once, for a single state
actually, with full readability on it is: Execution time mean : 31.226946 µs with things like:
m* (-> m
(assoc-in [:regions region-id] region*)
(update-in [:states state-id :regions] sconj region-id)
(update-in [:states state-id :kids] sinto region*))]
I’d actually keep that version, until you determine that function is a meaningful bottleneck of your app performance
there’s no point in wasting time optimizing things that will barely nudge your resource usage in the big picture
(and that includes not wasting the extra reading time)
@misha update-in
and assoc-in
are very slow, you can use specter's transform
and setval
for 6x and 3x performance improvement respectively
Benchmark: set value in nested map (2500000 iterations)
Avg(ms) vs best Code
433.29 1.00 (setval [:a :b :c] 1 data)
1445.9 3.34 (assoc-in data [:a :b :c] 1)
Benchmark: update value in nested map (500000 iterations)
Avg(ms) vs best Code
89.021 1.00 (manual-transform data inc)
107.42 1.21 (transform [:a :b :c] inc data)
613.26 6.89 (update-in data [:a :b :c] inc)
@nathanmarz does it make sense to use specter for just 2-3 levels deep maps/vecs?
yea, I use it for stuff like that all the time
I will look into specter, thank you; however me optimizing µs above is clearly just a form of procrastination at this point
@nathanmarz any idea why these functions are so slow?
also, is this true for clojurescript as well?
@pesterhazy the overhead of doing a reduction over the sequence slows it down a bunch
not sure how much of difference that accounts for compared to whatever else they're doing
have to look at source
specter caches a nested function at the callsite roughly equivalent to nested update
calls, so most of overhead is stripped out
Thanks for the explanation