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@martinklepsch that shouldn't happen at all,


The pom generated looks to be ok too


@danielcompton Hm, you’re right, the pom has no mention of e.g. Ultra. I tried boot -d morse show -d and it includes all the ultra dependencies etc..


A follow-up to @martinklepsch's posts: the pom.xml file generated by Leiningen does not contain the ultra dependency but the morse-0.2.4.pom does -- and it is not scoped to just test. The :dev :dependencies are listed in the .pom and scoped to test. And it only seems to be ultra added in, rather than the other two :dev :plugins, so that makes me wonder whether the author has ultra as a non-dev dependency in their ~/.lein/profiles.clj file?


It does raise the question (for me): what's the purpose of the .pom file, and why is it different to pom.xml? I'm not familiar enough with Maven etc to know...


Hey all. Just posted this question to SO and was wondering if anyone here might have some insight: