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@drewverlee to me, clojure.spec
and plumatic/schema
are comparable in terms of what they do, that is specification, validation and then data generation (actually both piggiebacking on test.check
I used to use schema
and apart from a few quirks I found it very nice, especially because it was data oriented (specs are maps)
has a couple of differences but still works quite nicely, and I opted to use it for my newer projects (together of course, with the team I am working with) mainly because it is going to be in the language "core" and therefore directly maintained
about clojure.spec
some function does not accept pure data it seems (found a couple of example macro that does not accept data), but probably things are going to change (it is still alpha code)
I have never used scjsv
but the big difference I see is that it does validation of the data input your receive "from the wire" as JSON
and spec
can do both validation of data "from the wire" (after conversion) and "runtime" data
while the program is running
thanks @richiardiandrea. I think part of what im confused about is if something like protocal buffers (by google) are only concerned with encoding & decoding or if they can play a similar role in data validation. It seems like the answer is yes. But obviously you can only take advantage of this if the sender has decided to offer the option.
I think the offer some kind of validation yes, because when you cannot de-serialize correctly they throw. I am not very familiar with protobuffer too much and I would investigate if there is in-depth error detailing for instance, which is actually a big thing in clojure.spec
(each data piece is reported together with the error)
Hey, hivemind
(continuous-take-while #(not= % "END") ["START" "MIDDLE" "END" "START" "MIDDLE" "END"])
;;=> [["START" "MIDDLE"] ["START" "MIDDLE”]]
any idea to implement this function?@lambeta loop
with a take-while
and skip
using the count from the last collection you take-while
(->> ["START" "MIDDLE" "END" "START" "MIDDLE" "END"] (partition-by #{"END"}) (partition 2) (map first))
@lambeta is this close enough to what you want? (remove #(= % ["END"]) (partition-by #(not= % "END") ["START" "MIDDLE" "END" "START" "MIDDLE" "END"]))
I think the function is underspecified
Combining my solution with @danboykis’s we get
(->> ["START" "MIDDLE" "END" "START" "MIDDLE" "END"] (partition-by #{"END"}) (remove #{[“END”]}))
(constantly [["START" "MIDDLE"] ["START" "MIDDLE"]]) ;; also works
@danboykis I implemented it with this solution. but just think it’s a little ugly. because we need remove the “[END]"
@gfredericks that’s hard code, right?
I doubt it's what you wanted but my point is you weren't very specific about what you wanted because you didn't explain what sort of variety there is in the input
or how the input and output relate
oh wait I didn't read closely enough
@lambeta you can write a custom loop/recur that wouldn't remove, but it's not as short
I somehow misread and thought you had only given the input and output :)
also I assumed continuous
as part of the name implied you're working on potentially infinite sequences
I have a file named molecules like this:
ATOM 1 N 0.257 -0.363 0.000
ATOM 2 H 0.257 0.727 0.000
ATOM 3 H 0.771 -0.727 0.890
ATOM 4 H 0.771 -0.727 -0.890
ATOM 1 C -0.748 -0.015 0.024
ATOM 2 O 0.558 0.420 -0.278
ATOM 3 H -1.293 -0.202 -0.901
ATOM 4 H -1.263 0.754 0.600
ATOM 5 H -0.699 -0.934 0.609
ATOM 6 H 0.716 1.404 0.137
and then I read it by (line-seq (io/reader "molecules"))
, finally I want to output looks like this
(("AMMONIA" ("N" "0.257" "-0.363" "0.000") ("H" "0.257" "0.727" "0.000") ("H" "0.771" "-0.727" "0.890") ("H" "0.771" "-0.727" "-0.890")) ("METHANOL" ("C" "-0.748" "-0.015" "0.024") ("O" "0.558" "0.420" "\
-0.278") ("H" "-1.293" "-0.202" "-0.901") ("H" "-1.263" "0.754" "0.600") ("H" "-0.699" "-0.934" "0.609") ("H" "0.716" "1.404" "0.137")))
this is my solution:
(defn read-all-molecules [input-file]
(map (fn [molecules]
(let [[_ name] (str/split (first molecules) #"\s+")
atoms (map (comp (fn [[_ _ & type-coordinates]]
#(str/split % #"\s+"))
(rest molecules))]
(concat [name] atoms)))
(filter #(not= % ["END"])
(partition-by #(= % "END") (line-seq (io/reader input-file))))))
@lambeta personally I would divide the mapping in two, the first identifying a "compound" and then an "atom". It seems to me it would simplify the solution a bit
maybe similarly to a two-way parsing...the output can be the above or [{:compound {:atoms []} {:compound {:atoms []}}]
depending on your requirements
I was thinking the most natural way to represent it would be
[{:compound “AMMONIA” :atoms [{:atom “N” :x 0.257 :y -0.363 :z 0.000} …]} …]
You want to pick the data structure that will be the easiest to understand and manipulate, in general.
Hi All, I am new to Clara rules. One of my usecase I supposed to iterate list of object and perform validations in clojure. Anyone could you please suggest an approach, how it can be done?
@lambeta Specter has this functionality built-in:
(select (continuous-subseqs #(not= "END" %)) ["START" "MIDDLE" "END" "START" "MIDDLE" "END"])
;; => [["START" "MIDDLE"] ["START" "MIDDLE"]]
can also do transformations with it:
(transform (continuous-subseqs #(not= "END" %))
(fn [v] [(count v)])
;;=> [2 "END" 2 "END"]
I've been noodling on this and feel unsatisfied with some of the approaches I've tried … I want to go from [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4 :c 5}]
to {:a [1 3] :b [2 4] :c [5]}
oh and that doesn't build a flat vector or set of values, which I'd also like:
(comp conj vector) {:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4 :c 5} {:a 6 :b 7 :c 8}) => {:a [[1 3] 6], :b [[2 4] 7], :c [5 8]}
ah that puts me on the right track ... (merge-with (comp flatten list) [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4 :c 5} {:a 6 :b 7 :c 8}])
I still feel like flatten
shouldn't be required … this still feels like it should be a one-pass fold
@hagmonk: does your function only take two maps, or can it take arbitrarily many?
oh I see, there's 3 above
ha don't overthink it. if its a vector, conj it, other wise make a vector of the two
@dpsutton: there has to be a final pass where keys that are not in collections get put into vectors, as well
something like (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (if (vector? v) v (vector v))]) merged-maps))
get all the keys from all maps, and reduce over each key, making a vector of all of the values
although you could argue that getting all of the keys across all maps is double enumerating
Like I want to extend a type, but I want different implementations for each combination of type/first-argument
Because deref magically adds extra parentheses and so changes what the threading macro does
Try using the deref function instead and it should be less tricky
hi guys
is there way a good way to generate sentence from some words, which will discover the relations between them, for example:
#{Alice shoe train} -> maybe generate: alice wear shoe in the train ?
yeah @abdullahibra that’s some advanced linguistics and/or machine learning you’d need 🙂
okay great guys
@yonatanel see what that desugars to:
user=> (clojure.pprint/pprint (clojure.walk/macroexpand-all '(-> uri @(http/get))))
(clojure.core/deref uri (http/get))
@yonatanel All three are great I think, each one has it's strengths. I use all three in one app - they go together nicely and are supplementary in many aspects. Just starting though, so I can't speak about stability and how things will turn out long term.
@andreas-thoelke What are your reasons to use each one?
i've been reading over the manifold source and the ability to treat channels as streams and seq's seems pretty nice
@yonatanel If you want to model complex async processes, Pulsar actors allow you to do this very easily (partly due to the good documentation and core.match being integrated). I find doing similar things in Manifold more abstract/challenging/ takes more time to learn/ has fewer examples/docs.
@andreas-thoelke Good to know. Would you migrate everything to Pulsar or do you have particular reasons to use core.async and manifold?
@yonatanel core.async is more about connecting parts of your system, rather then a general async/event driven lib. I think Manifold is very elegant when it comes to chaining deferreds/promises and combining and inspecting stream graphs.
Pulsar is very feature rich (it basically has reactive programming and core.async included), it's still pretty exotic in the community, so you'll probably only want to buy into Pulsar if you want actors.
@fabrao it has to do with the backslash in your string. If you want a literal backslash in your string you have to escape it: "temp\\2meses.csv", otherwise java thinks what follows is an octal number representing a char. That's why it says 'Invalid digit: m', m is not a valid digit in an octal number.
Hello everyone, looking for devs in the Edmonton area who may be interested in a clj meetup.
@flyboarder remote link?
@andrei: depends on the venue
We are working with Startup Edmonton to use their space or a partner
erg, if I have some sequence of stuff like [“a” "b” “c” “d”]
how do I say set each of these elements to true in a map?
@mnewhook my implementation is pretty naive:
(reduce (fn [m k] (assoc m k true)) your-map ["a" "b" "c" "d"])
@flyboarder: maybe you are already aware of it, but there is also a #C0736RLDT channel
@stand: lol like #clojure but we apologize for posting 😂
does anyone here know of strategies for maintaining relationships between caches? e.g. let's say I cache some data and compute some roll-up data based off it. I want properties like automatic, efficient re-calculation of the roll-up should any origin cache data change. sort of like a materialized view.
it feels like a very well-worn area but I'm not finding a lot of papers or libraries that talk about techniques, either in clojure or java
I actually have a plan to build a library around this
not that it helps you in the least right now 🙂
I tend to build a cache invalidation system, where caches can depend on multiple keys, then you can touch any of them to invalidate anything that depends on them
then you have a background process that checks the cached vs real value for the computation, to make sure you didn't miss anything
as a general solution, it would be hard to beat
so I had this idea that you could register a function that takes a cache entry and maps it to a key, and another function that maps it to a value
so for an origin cache, one function represents the relationship with the "downstream" cache key, and the other function can be used to recompute the downstream cache value
and maybe that JCache listeners or events would be a neat way to glue things together
Is there a way to see through wats going on under my lein build? A verbose log or sorts ?
Lein did set my hair on fire today.. Have a few java files to compile and have the right :java-source-paths configured in project.clj... yet it doesn't compile any of the files...
This used to be working until today.. I have just removed a few libs today from project clj ... and stopped working (dont see any correlation obv).. tried lein clean and a lein repl
lein javac is specifically the task that compiles java source, but it is setup to run before a few other built in tasks like compile and jar
I was expecting it to run before lein repl ... anyway just tried lein compile with no luck
if you are using any plugins, you should disable them all, one of them could be fiddling with whatever, you should also double check your project.clj
roll back to a previous version, and see if that does in fact build the classfiles, if lein clean isn't a regular thing you do, you could have broken compiling a while back and been using stale class files in target/ since then
even better if it's a known working example off github or whatever. if you can't get that working it's your local environ
if there was some issue with that, like a missing jdk or whatever, then lein would complain
Haven't done clean for weeks... so yeah I might have been working on a stale set... might have broken in between..
does anyone know why my app might see a suitable driver for microsoft sql server when run from lein ring server
but not from tomcat8? running from command line works on the same server
@dpsutton in similar cases I've looked at the classpath in the process to verify they're the same
i'm not specifiying a classpath for either. They both list their dependencies and can load them all
tomcat may do something weird with classloaders, so whatever classloader ends up trying to load the class can't find it, you may need to explicitly load it from some other classloader
the strange thing is that we were running everything fine under tomcat7/14.04/java7 but recently updated to java8/16.04/tomcat8 and all has gone to hell
I'm pretty sure you can attach and get classpath from there, and it will be much nicer than grepping process lists
try something like (.loadClass (.getClassLoader clojure.lang.RT) "whateverthedriversclassnameis")
at the top of your source file
(.loadClass (.getClassLoader clojure.lang.RT) "")
i ran it from lein on the server, verified it worked, then compiled it there and moved it to a directory so tomcat could see it, and no luck
and in the webapps folder, in the lib i've got sqljdbc4-3.0.jar, which should be all that i need
@hiredman , I figured it , but its puzzling.. I have a dev profile which adds 'dev' folder (containing user.clj) to the :source-paths... If I remove :source-paths from dev profile, everything works fine.. java files do compile... if I add it back, it doesn't compile any of the java files.. any thoughts ?
I’m looking to read an image file from disk and store it in a database. Does anyone have a quick link on the best way to do this (hopefully just using `
Storage isn’t the issue. I’m just wondering the most idiomatic way to read a binary file.
@akiva slurp
is easy
though not the most efficient
@danielcompton, ah, I was under the impression that slurp
only handles strings.
handles many many things
slurp returns a string and goes through a reader, it is not appropriate for binary data
oh returns a string yes
just throwing this out there, but this doesn't look like an invalid connection string for sql server, does it?
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlserver://[servername];database=[database];user=[user];password=[password]
(aside: connection pooler stuff is kinda cool for enqueuing work against the DB, not just load, I was sold after using Hikari CP)
so you could take a step back and try some non-URI connection parameters as specified in the doc string for get-connection.
problem is that this hasn't changed. only the upgrade java 7 -> 8, ubuntu 14.04 -> 16.04
could java 7 -> 8 have rolled java.sql.DriverManager? if so that could definitely affect it
I'm not sure if that library is pulled in as a transitive dependency by or whether it's part of the JDK itself
oh no worries, I totally tore my hair out getting pgjdbc-ng to work and learned more about this than I wanted to know
so here's another wrinkle. I rolled java backl to version 7 and everything works again
this whole java.sql.DriverManager thing is basically taking a string and then trying to figure out "I wonder if I have a class somewhere I can reach that understands this kind of connection?"
its crazy to me that i'm not saying sql server dep and at compile or link time its saying all of this is present and accounted for
well it's not only just present, but that also the driver groks the rest of the connection args you've passed in as params
so being explicit with a map at least lets you rule out some uncertainty to begin with
got it back online with java 7 and i'll try some more stuff tomorrow to see if i can get it working with java 8
@dpsutton: have you tried the other sq server driver? [net.sourceforge.jtds/jtds "1.3.1"]
? Not sure it's even remotely related.
but sean corfield mentions he only tests against 4.0 of microsoft's driver, which they make you download
hmm. i think i'm hitting sqlServer 2014 which is not in the list of supported servers here
@dpsutton also, what you'll want to do tomorrow is find the javadoc for version 3.0 of the driver, since it tells you the other keys supported when you use get-connection
@dpsutton: i just read the jdbc docs and it looks like he tests against both, as far as I know the jtds driver is preferred and recommended over the ms one - I use it all the time and have never had an issue using it to talk to ms sql server.
Is there a clojure/core predicate which matches lists, sets, and vectors, but not maps?
In case anyone is into Gradle, I just released the plugin I use to compile Cursive with:
@danielcompton: not that I know of
`(every-pred coll? (complement map?))
(every-pred coll? (complement map?))
that’ll do it. Thanks!
@gfredericks If I ever form a hipster band, I’ll call it emacs glitch
And all the instruments require you to press each string twice with a minimum of three fingers per press.
one more: the band hasn't improved at all since you saw them first in college, despite everything around them improving a great deal
It has my full support