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(s/fdef my-func :args (s/cat :arg ::spec))
(to be more specific)
@lilactown Here's an example from our codebase at work
(s/fdef me
:args (s/cat :access-token string?)
:ret (s/nilable (s/keys :req-un [::id ::name])))
I'm using CLJS. I'm thinking of doing something like:
(when js/goog.DEBUG
but I'm worried that clojure.spec.test.alpha
is going to end up in my release bundle(we use clojure.spec
in production code for validation and conformance so I'm puzzled as to why you'd want to avoid it? doesn't cljs use tree-shaking anyway to remove unused code?)
and I'm not sure if tree-shaking is smart enough to completely eliminate the lib if it's not used in a release build. will have to test
spec validates functions by generating example arguements and calling the function on the examples, which is not something you'll want to do in production
:thinking_face: I don’t think instrumentation involves generators … not saying instrument
is appropriate for runtime, just might be helpful to keep things clear…
doesn't it, for the case where the arg is specced to be a function, it would be checked by exercising it
(let me know if I misunderstand something here...)
user=> (require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
user=> (require '[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as stest])
user=> (s/fdef bar :args (s/cat :f (s/fspec :args (s/cat :x int?) :ret int?)) :ret int?)
user=> (defn bar [f] (f 0))
user=> (stest/instrument `bar)
user=> (bar (fn [x] (println "called with arg" x) x))
called with arg 0
called with arg 0
called with arg 0
called with arg 0
called with arg 1
called with arg 2
called with arg -1
called with arg 0
called with arg -2
called with arg -24
called with arg 3
called with arg -2
called with arg 9
called with arg -1
called with arg -757
called with arg -1
called with arg 3
called with arg 1963
called with arg 1165
called with arg -359
called with arg -3956
called with arg 0