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Hey folks, small update about Thursday... we're still looking for a location. We were planning to get a meeting room at KBC, but waited too long (I wanted to see how many people would RSVP), and now they're booked out. But no worries, I'm sure I'll find something. Just posting here to keep people posted. • I've sent an application to the Provinciehuis (next to the station) for a meeting room, but that might be too last minute... we'll see • I've sent an email to Boondoggle. Bit of a long shot since I've never interacted with them, but I see that they were a regular host for the Functional Programming Meetup, so can't hurt to ask. • There's this place: , for • And then there's a café behind the station that has meeting rooms, they're free as long as people buy two drinks each. They don't seem to have a projector, but I can bring a small one. They do have wifi.


Provinciehuis and KVK would be 100~150 EUR, which Gaiwan can sponsor this time, I do hope by next month we can find a host that is willing to have us for free.


Alright I gave Café Tempo a call, I think it's gonna be nice. A good compromise between a bar and a meeting room, and it's really close to the train station. I'll update the meetup page. Reservation is in my name (Arne Brasseur), I'll be there from 18:00~18:30 ish. Talks start around 19:30.


Meetup page has been updated! There are seven of us now. Please make sure to update your RSVP if your plans have changed, and do feel free to bring a friend.

Thomas Moerman13:12:24

Cool! That's in my former 'hood @ K-Side 😉