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I'm in the middle of converting io.pedestal to use deps.end for its build and deploy; I'm having a couple of hiccups w.r.t. deployment.

{:in io.pedestal.deploy/deploy-artifact,
 :line 90,
 :thread "nREPL-session-514d1213-b00b-4c82-a979-b3ae2ebd9fe1",
 {[:extension "jar" :classifier nil]
  [:extension "pom" :classifier nil]
  [:extension "jar.asc" :classifier nil]
  [:extension "pom.asc" :classifier nil]
 :coords [io.pedestal/pedestal.log "0.5.11-SNAPSHOT"]}
Could not find metadata io.pedestal:pedestal.log:0.5.11-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml in clojars ()
Sending io/pedestal/pedestal.log/0.5.11-SNAPSHOT/pedestal.log-0.5.11-20221007.232659-1.jar (11k)
Sending io/pedestal/pedestal.log/0.5.11-SNAPSHOT/pedestal.log-0.5.11-20221007.232659-1.pom (2k)
Sending io/pedestal/pedestal.log/0.5.11-SNAPSHOT/pedestal.log-0.5.11-20221007.232659-1.jar.asc (1k)
Sending io/pedestal/pedestal.log/0.5.11-SNAPSHOT/pedestal.log-0.5.11-20221007.232659-1.pom.asc (1k)
Retrieving io/pedestal/pedestal.log/maven-metadata.xml (1k)
Sending io/pedestal/pedestal.log/0.5.11-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml (1k)
Sending io/pedestal/pedestal.log/maven-metadata.xml (1k)
Could not transfer metadata io.pedestal:pedestal.log/maven-metadata.xml from/to clojars (): Authorization failed for  403 Forbidden - redeploying non-snapshots is not allowed. See 
Execution error (AuthorizationException) at org.apache.maven.wagon.shared.http.AbstractHttpClientWagon/put (
Authorization failed for  403 Forbidden - redeploying non-snapshots is not allowed. See 
It may be because I previously uploaded a "0.5.11-snapshot-1" version?


> It may be because I previously uploaded a "0.5.11-snapshot-1" version? It doesn't say exactly what qualifies as a snapshot version, but I believe the version is required to end with "-SNAPSHOT" to qualify as a snapshot and allow reuploads


Thanks; I read that and changed my version number to "0.5.11-SNAPSHOT", but something about the existing "0,5.11-snapshot-1" might be gumming up the works.


not really sure though


Sorry you are having issues @U04VDKC4G! This is odd - you are definitely deploying a snapshot (@U7RJTCH6J is correct - a snapshot is a version that ends in -SNAPSHOT), and the client is treating it as such (you can see that by it uploading a timestamped version). The clojars code to give you the "redeploying non-snapshots is not allowed" is pretty simple, and short circuits if the version is a snapshot version, which is clearly is, so I'm not sure why that is failing in this case. I was able to deploy a snapshot of a test project just now. I'm going to check out pedestal and try deploying the snapshot to a test group. having a -snapshot-1 version should make no difference here.


I checked out your branch from, but I don't know how to actually trigger a snapshot build & release.


Oh! I think I see what it is, maybe. Digging a bit more to confirm; but it actually may be related to the -snapshot-1 release, indirectly. There may be a bug in how we find the tmp repo when finalizing a deploy, and it may be finding and using the tmp repo for the -snapshot-1 release at finalization time.


Did you deploy -snapshot-1 and -SNAPSHOT from the same repl session? This bug should only trigger when a session cookie is shared between two different versions, which doesn't happen across command-line invocations (of lein at least). I still need to fix this, but I'm just trying to better understand how it could happen.


I can look into this later. Yes, about the REPL session, most likely, I was keeping a session going while I experimented. There you go, global state f-s you again!


Thanks again, I just re-ran this in my REPL and it worked. Thanks for you quick support!


My pleasure!