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For re-natal projects there appears to be a 4-fold slowdown in the Clojure portion of REPL startup if you compare Java 1.8.0_192 vs. Java 1.8.0_201. This is something around 11 seconds vs. 44 seconds if you watch the time lein figwheel ios and Figwheel actually starts compiling. This is easier to see if you are using Cursive and simply launch a Clojure REPL, but don't yet do (start-figwheel "ios"). Wondering if others have noticed this and have any clue... I honestly don't really need to run Java 1.8.0_201 and can stick with 1.8.0_192, but it would be nice to understand this.


someone who know how to integrate react-native-splash-screen with cljs, i remember there is a article about it , but it seems cannot access now