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Pretty quiet on the search feedback here! I’ll assume folks are digging it!


@corasaurus-hex I think I’ll make a tweak to searchset tests 🧵


I made a change to the sanitizer and it broke the searchset tests.

Cora (she/her)23:04:50

ahhhh ok, for sure


It’s hard for me to easily tell what is different. So I’m thinking… I’ll save the expected result maps sorted so I can use convential diff tools to compare.


Cool, thanks, I shall make it so!


(thanks for you little comment block to regen the results BTW, very handy).

Cora (she/her)23:04:09

I try to do that when data/code is hard to generate

Cora (she/her)23:04:38

and you definitely don't need to ask permission to make changes especially to improve things

Cora (she/her)23:04:55

those tests are pretty shitty tbh


Thanks, just wanted to run it by you for potential issues.


Hey, they are better than nothin’! I appreciate them!

Cora (she/her)23:04:31

oh for sure! the thing was that I didn't know the data structures well enough to generate input or anticipate output for a lot of these functions and so the tests came last

Cora (she/her)23:04:38

and it was just all repl iteration

Cora (she/her)23:04:01

there's actually a bunch of data we're sending back that I'm not using


ah, good to know, we can tackle that in round n!


tx! merged!

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