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Rowland Watkins11:08:23

Hi folks, I’ve been trying to use nREPL in PowerShell (and cmd.exe) on Windows 10/11, with the following error: NoSuchMethod ' org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiConsole.wrapOutputStream(’ suggests the issue lies in JLine, and Jansi, which appear quite old for Lein. I have attempted updating nREPL, REPL-y (internal build using a newer version of Jansi) and JLine 3 to no avail. I’m not sure if Lein’s version of JLine is ever overrided by the one in :dependencies. I’d like to avoid WSL2 because it’s abominably slow in comparison to PowerShell/cmd.exe (at least on my laptop). If anyone has any tips/pointers, they would be greatly appreciated, particularly if I need to run my own build of Lein.


Have you tried making an issue in the lein repo for this?


Or discuss in #leiningen (but the original author isn't here on Slack)


If you're open to migrating to deps.edn from lein, you could start here: It describes how you can get an nREPL repl @rowland.watkins ^

Rowland Watkins12:08:44

Hey @borkdude many thanks for your reply - I’d thought I’d try exhausting all avenues before submitting an issue! Sweet I’ll check out your link and explore deps.edn as an alternative, many thanks again!