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I get the following error when updating Packer today (about 5 minutes ago). I didnt set a specific branch for conjure to use, so assume its the default branch. All other packages updated without issue, only conjure package had an issue

✗ Failed to update Olical/conjure
  fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.


Hmm I didn't force or rewrite any commits... so I have no idea why that's happened. You may have to delete the dir and re clone. I have no idea why though! No force pushes on my part.


Curious. I commented the conjure package, ran :Packerclean , removed the comment from the conjure package, ran :PackerInstall and conjure installed just fine. No idea what the root cause was, but issue resolved now. Thanks.


Happens for me at random times with random packages. I do the same fix. I checked in the dirs, HEAD is in a detached state mostly. Wonder if its some race condition in Packer :thinking_face: