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On linux I would like to figure out something for actually copying some text into the system clipboard. Do you know how to achieve this? If I can define a command (ideavim is an option, I use it) where I can subst in the current selected text, that would be the fix


ctrl+c puts it into the x selection


I’m not sure what you mean by this. What is the difference between the x selection and the system clipboard? Is that a Linux thing?


yes there is at least 2 clipboards. I'm not sure but I think there is a third


Hmm, I’m not sure about this to be honest. But that would be an IntelliJ thing, so there might be info on the internet about this for IntelliJ in general.


the kind of results on intellij googles are usually really basic usage stuff, that's why I came here


Yeah, definitely, it can be hard to find good info. I don’t use Linux though, there should be more Linux users around who might have a better idea.


for my question I have a good enough solution. If I do ctrl+c in intellij, I can get the string with xclip -o

👍 1

after setting up Intellij + Cursive on a new MacOS machine, one project is giving me loads of unresolved symbols. the was insightful but no luck here.. i think it's down to:

Errors during project resolution
The following errors were found during project resolve: /MyProject/deps.edn: status code: 401, reason phrase: Unauthorized (401) 
which i suspect is from the deps.edn dependency:
{:mvn/repos {"datomic-cloud" {:url ""}}}
everything else seems fine. starting a REPL outside of IntelliJ works. i've (re)loaded the project as a deps.edn project, invalidated caches, and confirmed the JRE is set up in the project/modules. and if it matters my aws CLI is configured properly. currently on the latest version of IntelliJ and Cursive. maybe someone can help? thanks!


Hi @U0H46T23C, can you do a clojure -Stree or something similar on the command line?


thanks @U0567Q30W. that works as expected from the command line. i get the full tree without any issues.


Does that repo need any authentication from env vars, or anything like that?


sorry for disappearing there, @U0567Q30W. i think that repo is accessible when one has a valid profile configured via the AWS CLI, which i do have and tested by successfully firing up the repl from the command line.


i figured it out. it was actually this dependency:

{:mvn/repos {"cognitect-dev-tools" {:url ""}}}
which required me to include some auth data in my ~/.m2/settings.xml file 🙂 sorry for the noise!


Phew! No problem, I love resolutions when I don’t have to do anything 🙂. It would be nice if the error included the repo name, I’ll check if that comes back in the error at all.

🙌 1