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is there any way to get CIDER stickers that you had made @bozhidar

Karol Wójcik06:09:31

Is it possible to switch repl from clj->cljs & cljs->cljs and then evaluate to form to corresponding repl?


> is there any way to get CIDER stickers that you had made @bozhidar I think I’ve handed them all out during Clojure/south, but I plan to print some more down the road. I have to check how expensive it will be to ship stickers abroad. Alternatively one can order 10 stickers from for $15. After playing with the size I’ve concluded they look best at 75x75mm (the actual sticker is much smaller - 20 x 75 mm).

👍 8
cider 4

@karol.wojcik Switch in which sense? There’s a command to cycle between the REPLs for a session, but this won’t affect the evaluation in them from source buffers.