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In vscode+calva, on clj-kondo problems (for example redefined-var on defn ) - when I hover, I get the docs + examples first and have to scroll all the way down to get to the actual error. Is there any way to flip this around, or even disable the doc when there's a problem?


I don't think there is all that much we can do about it. They come from different sources and VS Code decides how they enter the hover. I am not fully sure about this, but this is my hunch. There is an extension that makes the error messages even more accessible though. Error Lens:

🙌 2

awesome, thanks 🙂

Kyle Ferriter16:10:55

Thank you for this 🙏 . Came here looking for how to reorder the priority of messages in the hover popup, but this extension solves it good enough.

Yehonathan Sharvit15:09:55

Is there a way to evaluate the top ns form without having to touch the mouse and staying in the current cursor position?


Not really. What I do is one of: 1. Use the command Calva: Load/Evaluate Current File ... 2. cmd+up ctrl+enter ctrl+- I'm on a Mac, your keybinding for going to the start of the file might be different.


This doesn't stay in the current position. Instead leaves it, then returns to it. If you squint, it's about the same. 😃


Today I was just playing and reached for a way to change a function signature (eg change the order of parameters). Is there a way to do this with Calva? Emacs seems to have it with in clj-refactor.el.


I don't think we have anything that smart yet. But we do have Drag Sexp Backward ( Alt+⬆️ ) and Drag Sexp Forward ( Alt+⬇️ ) for local swapping.

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